Global Warming and Climate Change} So pumping and electricial power from wave and tidal action!

There are several ways to get energy out of tides and waves, you can look online for quite a few idea's that have been around for quite a few years. But the potential amount of energy is many, many, times what mankind would ever need! But the one I like best is where you use a very large old tanker that because it was never double-hulled, and therefore is no longer used for oil transportation, and make it into a pumping, and electrical producing station that can be moved around the world. Where ever there is a need for either or both, and since it still remains a very large cargo ship, it could also be stocked with large amounts of necessary supplies. (if the red cross had several of these, think how much easier any long term stay would be!) Plus it would be much easier to protect a site offshore, than on land. Or you could tow into place many smaller stations that could then be locked into place, and moved whenever needed. The thing to remember with using tides and waves to generate electricity or pumping ability, size does matter, the more water displacement that can be achieved, the greater the generating ability will be. And remember sand is a great ballast, and many times is readily available at sea. So now we have many of the necessary ingredients, for replanting the desert and semi-arid areas around the world, we have a workforce of millions and millions of people looking for a better place, and to have both respect and the need to be needed. We have the great rivers of the world, for the water necessary for the task at hand, and we are preventing the trash and pollution from entering the seas and oceans of the planet! And we have the power required to accomplish all of this. What we still need is the planet-wide will to do all of this, all the cost of doing this will be like investing in a giant new industry, that will begin paying dividends, in a short period. And over time, not only creating wealth, that the whole planet will benefit from, just as computers have done but as a side note, we will be saving all life on this planet, that uses carbon dioxide for its life form. Reach me at   or by phone @ 402-890-7946 in the USA. Thank you, and reach out to me if you have ideas that would help this plan go forward, or would help in making this plan work better. Dan


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