Global Warming and Climate Change} Some people have brought to my attention, the money angle?

What do they mean, the money angle? Let me break it down, when George W Bush became president in the USA from 2001 to 2009 the price of a barrel of oil went from 15 dollars a barrel to over 100 dollars a barrel! And many people actually wanted it higher, saying that only by making gas very expensive will American's reduce their use of fossil fuels! Did that work? In some way's yes, we bought smaller cars and reduced some unnecessary driving, but no, you can not undo 50 years of suburban living, where most people live miles away from where they work and shop. This extra fuel cost made many families, increased credit card debt to levels never seen before. Did the cost of oil become higher because of the cost of producing it had increased? No, the reason was because of speculation by oil buyers wanting more money and the Bush administration helped fuel those increases. Surprise, surprise Both the President and the Vice president were big oil men! So now in 2020, politicians and big businesses are wanting to cash in on global warming and climate change, to increase their profit margin, by convincing people that only money can repair what big business has had a big hand in, to begin with! And there will be many people, that will jump on the bandwagon, that only sacrifice and cash will fix the problems, that our greedy lifestyle has put us into! STOP letting big business, and politicians, tell you what is wrong, and how to fix it! Read my papers, and do your own research, this is not rocket science, all of the numbers that I give you are based on numbers, science has determined to be right. It is just that no one has put all the numbers together, along with why we are in a period of glaciation for the last 2.5 million years, and why there has been, so much desert creation during that same time frame! Yes, I am asking you to read and ask the right questions. Isn't this an important enough subject, to do some work on? I would tell you to read ever one of my 90 post's, will you agree with everything I say,  NO but only by starting a discussion, that is at least pointing in the right direction can we make an informed decision on how to proceed forward. Please feel free to contact me, either by phone at 402-890-7946 in the USA or by e-mail at I would prefer a phone call, call me old fashion, but with a phone call, the question's can be talked out instead of shouted out. Thank you for your patience and taking the time to read my rambling, Dan


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