Global Warming and Climate Change} Some of my ideas are starting to show up on different web site's.

That is exactly what I was hoping for, the need to get a perspective out, that while agreeing with the need to help get a handle on global warming and climate change, but to understand the underlying cause! By doing so, mankind can choose to correct the imbalance that the sequestration of carbon over the lifetime of the planet, has brought about! I have posted my 12-page paper and 100 newer posts over the last 6 months or so, and have tried to cover as many of the topics, that my main paper has alluded to, since then. But as with anyone who is pushing forth an unusual idea, there are things that I may miss or not see as important as others will, so I am asking others out there, to send in your point of view, not just if you think that I am right, or perhaps simply missed something. Even if you think that I am all wet, If you do think that, please explain why do not quote me something from a book that relies on a belief that can not be verified. But put your thought down so I may read another's point of view. In my opinion, this is the most important paper that has been written for it concerns's itself with saving all life on this planet. Let's see if enough people have read at least the main paper   Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy  to have some ideas that could improve, discuss, or dispute some or all of it! Feel free to comment on my blog  Or I can be reached at 402-890-7946 in the USA. Or at my e-mail @   Thank you, Dan


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