Global Warming and Climate Change} What does climate scientist want us to do?
From what I understand, scientists want to keep the oceans from rising because of the melting glaciers, Done collect the water's at the source, in dam's and return that what is needed back onto the glaciers every winter. Stop all of the rivers of the planet, and move that water to semi-arid and arid areas, and replant them into a ground cover vegetation, and then trees and fish hatcheries, Done. Reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is in the atmosphere, Done, by replanting the desert's and semi-arid areas and causing the carbon dioxide to become plant life and then sequestrated into the soils! Reduce temperature extremes, so that there will be fewer weather extremes! Done, by the increased cloud cover caused by removing heat collecting, arid and semi-arid areas, and replacing it with ground cover that will help restart plant respiration of water into the atmosphere, causing more cloud cover and rainfall to help regulate planet-wide temperature. Reduce mankind's reintroduction of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, by the burning of fossil fuels. Okay, this one, my plan only touches on, by creating electricity from tidal and wave action, thereby reducing the need for some fossil fuel's use for the purpose of electricity production. But it does not reduce carbon dioxide production from cement production or reduce the need for transportation, or heating of building's, however since I am saying that the planet, prior to man's appearance and use of fossil fuel's, was slowly dying for lack of enough carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere for there to be abundant plant life around the whole planet, as proof, is that 25% of the planet is desert and semi-arid, and if that was not the case then carbon dioxide would have to be way below 150 parts per million of Co2 in the atmosphere, and C3 plant simply can not survive at those levels. So again I say "Done the right way"! Reach me at or by phone @ 402-890-7946 Thank you or should I say done! For today, Dan
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