Global Warming and Climate Change} Why can we have more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and not?

Melt all of the ice on the planet in the long run. You would be right if the amount of carbon dioxide approached around 5000 parts per million in the atmosphere. But even if we somehow converted all of the known fossil fuel reserves of about 4000 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere all at once, it would bring the carbon dioxide levels up to around 2,400 parts per million. If we do not get rid of most arid and semi-arid areas of the planet then this level of 2,400 part per million would warm up the planet enough to melt most if not all of the ice on the planet, if however, we could replant the planet leaving only the 2 largest deserts alone, the Antarctic and Arctic deserts, then the planet temperature regulating system would kick in full strength, and with some help by mankind in replenishing the amount of ice being staged around the planet, the checks and balances of cold and warm could be maintained. Do I think that the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will ever get that high? NO carbon sequestration in simply too much to allow those levels to be seen on this planet. Mankind will be hard-pressed enough to keep putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere once the fossil fuels are used up, the use of limestone would then be the easiest way to replenish those levels that the planet governments or perhaps scientist deem the most appropriate. With-out the replanting of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, it would become almost impossible to keep extreme weather events, from happening around the planet! It is really not the hot or the cold that makes extremes of weather, it is when hot and cold meet or even cool dry and warm moist meet that makes weather unpredictable. The closer in temperature that the planet can keep herself, the better, however rainfall around the planet would increase, and going to Calfornia would not be as sunny as it is now. Maybe a big plus would be less malignant melanoma around the globe. Reach me at   Or call me at 402-890-7946 In the USA Thank you for reading my posts, pass them on, some people will get a good laugh, others will feel their blood pressure go up. But perhaps a few will think a little bit


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