Global Warming and Climate Change} Will we be allow to collect water just before it enter's the ocean's?

I don't know, By most law's around the planet, the waters belong to the Nation for 12 miles around them, even if they are not using it, and no government on this planet is going to want to give it away, for free, once they realize how large of a resource it can be. My best guess is that some financial arrangements will have to be made with each and every nation on the planet. Hopefully, with enough pressure from the people of the planet, something can be worked out. Just think how difficult, governments could make it! One, letting locks be placed on all of there rivers so that any boat's or ship's wanting to come in or leave would need to come and go by them, free of charge! Two, allowing all of that water to be moved all over their country and into another country, perhaps the fees for that would simply be a percent of the waters. Three, allowing outsiders (the refugee population that would be used for the work involved) to enter and work with-in their borders! (All of this work could not be accomplished, if monies would have to be paid to every worker) Fourth, allowing these outsiders to stay and live there lives in their country. Fifth, having to wait years before these "towns" would be able to start paying a percentage of their production to the state. Sixth, allowing these "towns" to govern themselves, with minimal jurisdiction from the state. (China would love that) In America, they could be treated much the same as we treat the Indian Nations, (perhaps a little better)! Every country on the planet has had to solve many of these same problems, of allowing outside workforces into their borders some have had better success than others, and In the beginning food, shelter, and the basic necessities of life would be needed, not to be paid for by the government but by outside sources! Ideally, some type of agency could be set up and try and hammer out a working plan like they do for "doctors without borders" that most nations would be willing to sign on too! Reach me at Or by phone in the USA at 402-890-7946. Thank you, Dan


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