Global Warming and Climate Change} Climate change deniers are not listening, because,
You treat them like infants and do not take their views seriously. Many things that they say are correct but without context. The first thing that they will tell you is how something so important to all life, carbon dioxide, can be killing the planet! And then they will tell you that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are increasing crop yields around the world because it acts as a super fertilizer! since the 1970's it has increased wheat yields from 45 bushels per acre to around 60 bushels per acre. And since wheat is not a hybrid crop and therefor seed companies cannot claim increased yields due to their fieldwork. The next thing they will tell you is that we do not have enough climate temperature history so as to prove that the last few years, are not simply the planet having a slightly warmer spell than normal. We only have around 100 years of data on a planet that is very old. All of these responses are valid on the surface, especially about crop yields, these have been proven. So if you can not dispute these, you simply say that they do not understand, and how can you be so naive as to not see rising sea levels, more extreme weather, and glaciers melting around the planet. This is not the way to explain to intelligent people another way of looking at the problem! And from my point of view scientists have made a mess of not understanding the root cause of the problem and only seeing the results that I have just mentioned. I have been wondering if we could get both sides together not on a panel but only as the crowd listening to what I say is the true cause, and that both sides are right as far as it goes! And the only way forward is to replant massive areas of the planet's arid and semi-arid areas, and the only way to do that is by using all of the great rivers of the planet, and a workforce of refugee's that will now be included in having their own place to call home. For only repairing the planet's ability for temperature regulation can we go on to the next phase in the planet's continuing ability to support such a diverse amount of life, by maintaining an appropriate amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Just remember life can only continue on this planet as long as mankind is able to maintain those levels! Reach me at Or by phone@ 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan
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