Global Warming and Climate Change} Whenever I see someone looking at one of my post, I think that

They have read all of my posts. But now I realize that is not how people do things. So my plan is to once in a while, restate my main point's about what carbon sequestration, has done to the lifecycle of the planet! I hope that this does not become a problem for those that are following my posts. So here is what has been going on. About 3 billion years ago life on this planet really started taking off, but the atmosphere was radically different then it is now, we could not have survived in that atmosphere, not just because of it had no oxygen, but it was also much denser then it is now, and the carbon dioxide was very much higher. During the next 700 million years or so, life that used carbon dioxide and the sun's energy to create more life, changed some of the carbon dioxide, into carbon plus oxygen, and this turned into the "Great Oxidation Event". Which literally poisoned much of the planet's life, which could not survive in such an environment. But it did pave the way for life that followed. Just as we could not survive without enough oxygen in the atmosphere, the life before needed, an anaerobic atmosphere to live. As you can see life has to work with what it has, and it can cause its own death. We have to learn from the past, we can not learn from the future. As you can see, carbon dioxide is consistently being turned into something else, usually in is converted back into carbon dioxide by the breakdown of carbon in the soil by bacteria, or other processes, such as being consumed by other life forms. But when it is turned into rock such as limestone or buried so deep underground that even bacteria, cannot convert it back into carbon dioxide. Then it is called being squestrated, and taken out of the chain of life! Some will return by the actions of plate techtonics, many feel that at present only around 30% is returned over a 200 million year period. (this is the period that it takes for the ocean floor to completely renew itself.) That leaves 70% of the carbon that is squestrated each year to be locked away, from the carbon cycle of life. At present, there is estimated to be between 65,000,000,000 gigatonnes and 100,000,000,000 gigatonnes of limestone and other sedimentary rocks on the planet.(one gigaton is one billion tons of carbon, so you can see that's a lot of carbon taken out of the cycle of life over the last 3 billion years!) It has been estimated that there are only around 45,860 gigatonnes left of carbon left to be used for life over the whole planet, this does include carbon in the waters of the planet. And the planet's rate of carbon sequestration is believed to be around 10 gigatonnes per year. Doing the math, the planet and all of its carbon-based life forms are reaching a very serious shortage, in the near future! Only a thinking and acting species can prevent the loss of all life as we know it on the only place we can call home! Reach me at   or by phone at 402-890-7946 thank you Dan


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