February 7 2020, Temperature regulation will make everything better how do we get there?

By using the 50 million and counting, refugees from all of the conflicts around the planet. These people are looking for a new place to live, raise their children, and escape the problems of their past. With hope, not just desperation, Making a place that can give them all of this, along with the respect, that knowing what you are doing is really making the planet a better place to live for all of its inhabitants. Not just mankind, but everything that uses carbon for living! (which is pretty much everything) They are many times the creme of the crop, people chased out because they are educated, or leaders in their communities many were teachers, doctors, lawyers, and many are just trying for a better life and willing to suffer hardships for that chance. When I look for people, These are exactly the driven people I want on my job sites. Are there people there, that are not good people, yes perhaps running from the law, yes but considering what law many of them are fleeing, that in itself does not make them undesirable? Using all of the rivers of the planet, and keeping that water from entering the seas and oceans, will prevent those water from polluting the oceans and raising the levels of the waters around the planet. And provide the necessary waters to start the replanting of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. But do not forget the need to replenish many of the glaciers around the planet, with their own water's returned as snow that mankind will gather and place back on the melting glaciers each year! All of this is what is needed to happen, to return the planet to a self temperature regulating place of life, that around 2.5 million years ago was somewhat lost. Of all the species on this planet that call's it home, only mankind can cause the changes that will save her, for us all! I can be reached at 402-890-7946 in the USA. Or e-mail me at   danielkadavy212@gmail.com   Remember to tell others about these posts, and let's get a planet-wide discussion going on about what is really happening, and how to fix it. Thank you, Dan
    When I wrote this post, I was using the numbers of refugees given out by a source that seems to undercount the numbers, but there has also has been a lot more turmoil on the planet since then, so now the numbers are closer to 100,000,000 people on the planet looking, some just to survive, others for a completely new start, and mankind has the ability to make that happen but not by trying to find normal employment one family at a time in places all over the planet, the numbers are simply too big, and the resentment that will be met, while not based on facts, will cause local populations to make these refugees, even more, look down upon. Starting completely new communities, built by the very people who will live in them and foster hope between like individuals. Think of the respect that everyone who works there will have for their own accomplishments, yes with a lot of financial support from mankind, but only in the beginning as times go on and each community becomes more and more self-sufficient, where they can actually begin being the stable environment for future endeavors of refugee's. 
    Once the life-giving waters of the planet starts flowing into each new area, that all of this work has brought forth, there will be no stopping the increasing worth of food production, cloud-cover, and within just a few years increasing natural rainfall amounts! Using life to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, not only helps all life on the planet, but also recreates much of the lost temperature-regulating abilities, which will now allow a greater fluctuation of greenhouse gases without the accompanying extreme weather events!
    There are now over 430 posts on my blog site  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  That tries to explain how to put the "plan" into action, that is a lot of reading, yes some of it has redundancy in it regarding other posts, but saying the same thing several different ways over time helps people to better understand how the interlocking aspects of the "plan" are necessary to make a complete overall picture that people can relate to! Thank you, but someone out there must have questions that I have either not thought of or failed to completely make clear. Yet are afraid to ask about or even disagree with! Please talk to me or at least talk to others about it. Without getting a conversation going, nothing can happen, and certain things need to start happening before we start going down a road that will not take either mankind or all carbon-based life on the planet where we need to head! Dan


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