Global Warming and Climate Ghange} The Goldilocks effect, when you look it up, it can be many things!

For now, let's talk about it from a habitable planet's point of view. If we went back 3 billion years would our planet fall under the Goldilocks principle for being a habitable planet? Would it be considered to be at the right distance from a star of the right size? Yes. would it have liquid water? Yes. Would it be at the temperature needed to sustain life? Yes. Could mankind live there? Not a chance! It would be as inhospitable as a planet could be, to human life! Constant bombardment from both the sun's rays and meteors, on the surface of the planet, earthquakes, and volcanoes, and the atmosphere would kill you so many ways, first, it would squash you like a bug, because of it's density, then it would poison you with the amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, and finally, it would suffocate you with not having any oxygen in the atmosphere. With all of this, life still existed! And it was a carbon-based lifeform, that would not be able to survive on the surface of the planet as it is now, but perhaps deep underground where there is no oxygen to poison it and access to some energy source, yes it may still be here. Our planet is a constantly changing place, for different types of life, to evolve, grow and many times die out because of changing conditions, caused by the very life forms on the planet. Now let's go into the future for only 10,000 years. And let us speculate that mankind had killed themselves off. What would we find, very little plant life, only some C4, and cam plants that need very little carbon dioxide to survive, no animal life to speak of, perhaps enough time has passed that some fungus has started eating limestone with enough gusto to release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere and then again maybe not, but life does seem to find away. So looking at the planet from outside, The Goldilocks effect would have lasted for around 1/4 of its lifetime too date, or around one billion years. Before that time inhospitable to animal life, after that time, the carbon is locked away by natural causes of sequestration of carbon, that life can not exist without a thinking and acting species on the planet, that has the ability to replenish carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but just as important to rebuild the temperature regulating ability of the planet by replanting the planet's arid and semi-arid places of the planet. Reach me in the USA. at 402-890-7946 Or by email  Thank you, Dan


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