Global Warming and Climate Change} So how long until it would reach 150 part's of carbon dioxide?
Trick question, there is no way to know that, either with mankind on the planet or no mankind on the planet. I do not care how large of a supercomputer you put onto that problem. There are simply too many variables that we do not know the interactions with, on this planet. We can see outcomes, such as a warmer planet, and we can measure glaciers melting, we can see the ups and downs of levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with each growing season in both hemispheres. But instead of looking backward in time, we try to see the future. There are reasons why we have certain sayings, anyone can be a Monday morning quarterback. If we do not learn from history then we are sure to repeat it. But many people have come to the conclusion that scientists have the power to foresee, outcomes. And yet every scientist I have ever known will tell you only what the probability will be, be it as simple as the weather, or the chance of an earthquake, or whether a volcano will explode, and how strong each event will be, well forget that! Mankind is just at its infancy of scientific knowledge, and yet every generation thinks they know it all now. Thinking that you know how something works, can be worse than saying you have no idea. So we need to go back in time to see how to fix the future. This way we are not trying to predict how the planet will respond to changes we make, because we are reversing changes that the planet had to make. And no the planet is not a thinking entity, plant life is simply responding to the changing conditions of life on this planet. So we go back in time to just before the glaciers appear 2.5 million years ago and do our very best to recreate the plant life that was on the planet then, not in terms of variety or species, but where and how much coverage was on the planet. This plant life is how planet-wide temperature regulation was made to come around. so the big question is, can we keep the ice that is on the planet, and still have a planet-wide temperature regulation? I believe that the answer is both yes and no. By replenishing ice all over the planet, and especially at the south pole, we can maintain ocean levels for the foreseeable future, but many places around the planet will lose much of their ice. (you like how I used the "foreseeable future" pot kettle black). Reach me @ Or by phone in the USA at 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan
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