GlobalWarming and Climate Change} Now the math, for how to repair the planet's temperature regulator!
We need to have simple math so that everyone can follow how to fix this problem, so there will be no square root, or pi, no algorithms, just adding, subtraction, multiplying, and dividing! So here goes, since the start of the current ice age that we are in right now, (right now we are in an interglacial period, but with so much ice being staged on the planet right now we technically are still in the present ice age that started around 2.5 million years ago.) At that time there were very little arid or semi-arid areas, mainly these were caused by mountain ranges such as the Himalayas in central Asia which prevented moist airflow on one side of the mountains, or another and even this areas were much smaller than now, they were not caused by low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As each ice cycle progressed trees died, arid and semi-arid areas increased and the ocean levels fall, until a tipping point comes where carbon sequestration from the land is offset by the creation of desert, the decomposition of dead trees, and the release of vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the falling oceans. And the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere becomes high enough to warm the planet and makes the glaciers retreat! As these glaciers receded, they uncover even more decaying organic life that brings more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere hastening the ice melting. An interglacial period has arrived but is much shorter in length of time than the period of time for when the ice advances, and this is because of carbon still being sequestrated reduces the atmospheric carbon dioxide faster than the lowering of the oceans replenishes it. Each cycle sees larger and larger arid and semi-arid areas until modern times where these areas now make up around 25% of the land areas of the planet. The two largest deserts are the Arctic, and the Antarctic, both of these still have all of there organic material locked away under all of the ice that has been covering them for millions of years. but the rest of the planet's arid and semi-arid areas has lost most of their organic material back into the atmosphere. All of this unprotected land equals around 16% of the surface of the planet. so if you take 1500 gigatonnes of carbon in the soils of the planet and 560 gigatonnes in all plant and animals, 1500+ 560=2060/84=24.52gigatonnes of carbon on each of the 1% of the surface of the planet (only an average) that is not desert, meaning that with time, the last 16% of the surface of the plant could store another 16x24.52=392gigatonnes of carbon. That would lower the 800 gigatonnes in the atmosphere to 408 plus whatever mankind has added to the atmosphere of the planet in the 30 years or so that it would take to reach this level of replanting estimated at 6 gigatons per year at current levels meaning 30x6=180+408=588 gigatonnes making the part per million in the atmosphere around 294 (800 is to 400 as 588 is to 294). Not quite as high as I would deem necessary for good crop yields. but would be an excellent starting point for helping the planet in both temperature regulation and keeping the necessary carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. I can be reached in the USA @ or by phone at 402-890-7946. Thank you, Dan
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