Global Warming and Climate Change} How hard is it to check my facts? Very easy!
For how much carbon is available for life, Google how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, how much is stored in animal and plant life, how much is stored in the soils, and how much is stored in the oceans of the planet! For how much carbon is sequestrated on average each year, and how much is returned to the atmosphere by volcanoes and outer outgassing each year google that. For how much water is available for replanting the planet google how much water enters the oceans each year from all of the rivers of the planet! For how many refugees looking to relocate due to wars, famine, and ethic cleaning google that, for how much of the planet is considered arid google that, but take out the antarctic desert and the arctic desert because we will not be able to replant those due to their cold climate, then google semi-arid areas. Then google how much carbon dioxide does C3 plants need to survive and what percent of the plants on the planet does that cover, then check out C4 plants and cam plants. Then check out levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere going back 2.5 million years to the start of the glaciation age that we are currently still in. And what the levels of carbon dioxide was in the atmosphere at the time of the dinosaurs! Make sure that you use a reputable site for this one, some sites will either lie or say that no one knows. NASA has a good site. Just remember not all sites are created equal, a good site can be verified by other sites, or by scientific journals. that meet certain standards for peer review! Only by others going over my numbers can we go forward! Otherwise, my plan would just be a good story, but with oversite, it becomes more, actually a way forward for repairing the planet, the correct way! I can be reached by email @ or Phone 402-890-7946 in the USA. Thank you, Dan
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