Global Warming and Climate Change} I was driving across Colorado and Utah this weekend both semi-arid.

And yet where there was irrigation, nice crops. How do we collect water from streams 2000 miles before it reaches the oceans? We create dam's everywhere but we never dam the rivers themselves. Upon the high mesa's, even before the melting snows enter the smallest rivers, this is where we start. One thing to remember is what minerals are in the areas, to prevent them from contaminating the water, as was the case in many of the great dams constructed in Canada in the 60s and 70s where the blame for mercury in fish, was laid at the feet of commercial enterprises but was later proved to come from the soils that became saturated with the waters behind the dams and many heavy metals, such as mercury leached out of the soils, and into the new waters of the dams. ( yes there have to be regulations for any enterprise that can cause pollution but we need to understand what's really happening before condemning the nearest company ) The inter-relationship of this planet to mankind's endeavors is most complicated. Back to collecting the water flow in the nearest spot for its use, ideally, by the time the great rivers meet the oceans, the rivers would be very small and therefore easier to move it where needed. and with all of the new areas of water storage, whenever water was needed somewhere, it could be moved there efficiently! Because of all of the new planting of these areas, rainfall would increase, and there would be less need in many places for water to be diverted there, and more waters could be allowed for the very driest parts of the planet. Yes, I am talking about scientists, being in charge of where waters would be best used, not big corporations who have there own agenda. And remember all of these new areas of farming would not be run by big business but would be family-run. And limits of size would be controlled, even what crops and livestock to be produced, so that what amount each commodity was produced, gave the best return on the time and labor of the owners. Complicated no, complex yes, each farm could sign up for what best grows on their land, or what they enjoy growing the best. However, ground cover crops, such as alfalfa, would be worth more because of its ability for helping in temperature regulation of the planet! I can be reached @  Or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan


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