Global Warming and Climate Change} Is the solution to our planets problem, so hard as to require an "Einstein"?

      NO! Just as the sequestration of carbon over the lifetime of plant life on this planet, was not some scientific achievement. But the simple loss of available carbon by life and death, and burial by natural causes, over the last 3 billion years. The solution is simple but extremely labor-intensive, we need to undo part, of what nature has done! We need to rebuild part of the planet's temperature regulation ability, that has been lost! Had mankind not increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to the point that it has, we could not do what needs to be accomplished, the replanting of as many of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet as we can! I understand that no one has seen this seemingly unusual connection but for me, "to my knowledge" it seems to go against both sides of whether or not, global warming is happening.                                                                                                                          Just as it does not take an Einstein, to find the solution to the Global Warming of the planet, it also doesn't take anything but simple math to do the calculations of how much free Carbon is left for all life on the planet. The most important word in the last sentence is "free", for carbon that is bound up in something like limestone, is not a way that life can use it.                                                                                 With C3 plants, life can not survive with less than somewhere around 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and since much of mankind is very worried about global warming, there is no use in even talking about the fact that both C4 and CAM planet can survive much lower amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because of two reasons. First, most of the food that mankind and their livestock eat is from the C3 family of plants. Second, even if we could replant all of the planet with only C4 and Cam plant life, their respiration is so much lower than C3 plant life, that we would have lost even more of the planet's temperature-regulating ability, which comes from how much water is returned to the atmosphere via plant respiration! So, in essence, we would be creating a hot dry planet, with even more temperature extremes than we have now! Call me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @   Or to read much more on the direction we must go forward with, you can go to    Thank you, Dan


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