Global Warming and Climate Change} It looks like for the forseeable future, many people will have little to do, as the cornoravirus makes its way around the planet, and we try and follow the best advice that we are given.

So as we limit our contact, with others so as to not stop the disease, but slow it down enough, not to overwhelm the medical community. Many of us will find ourselves, with more time on our hands than normal. For some, this will make little change. But for most, such a change will make us look at our lives in a new way! If nature can have such a profound effect on how we need to live our lives, at least in the short run, why do we think that in some other way the planet will never be the cause of loss of life on a much larger scale than from a simple virus? There have been large extinctions of life on this planet since life has been on this planet! The constant change in the lifeforms that this planet can support, shows us how little we really know about this planet we call home. The complexity of how life has come about could never have been determined, by someone looking on from elsewhere! Meaning that for us to look at life on this planet as a straight line going forth, would be as mistaken of an assumption as we could make! While I am as sure of the planet running out of usable carbon dioxide in the next few thousand years, as the mathematics of the problem shows, that does not mean that some unknown solution will not come around that would change everything, on how the carbon cycle can continue but increase the rate of replacement of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Perhaps the volcanic action on the planet will increase by 3-fold or more, or the warming of the oceans would release unknown amounts of carbon back into the atmosphere, or my guess of perhaps a limestone eating fungus that converts the rocks carbon, directly into carbon dioxide, as a byproduct of digestion! But I would hate to put the whole life of this great planet, in the hands of fate if you will. So if people out there do have a little more time on their hands, Check out all of the aspects of my paper,  "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy"   Verify every number that I have given (yes, sometimes those numbers will slightly vary depending on what study you use, I tried to take the average of several studies for the numbers I have given you, yes I know that I should have stayed with one set of numbers or another but since I am not a scientist I see things differently)  In the USA I can be reached @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @


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