Global Warming and Climate Change} Right now we are seeing how little we understand man's fear's!
Going into Walmart, Costco, almost any store that sells soap, water, wipes, masks, or any drug, empty! And there is no one telling people that they can only get some of each, so that there will be enough for all! Not even telling them that panic is bad for the world. But we are simply reacting to our base fears, Much of this is because we are dealing with not enough information! China, started by not asking for help, and with everyone having access to the internet, little or no information gave people looking for the worst something to speculate on! We have become a people of extremes! WallStreet, No-fly zones, everybody wanting to be tested, when there is not enough, even for those with symptoms! What we are lacking is knowledge, maybe this will turn out as bad as some think it will or, maybe no worst than the yearly flu. Right now, all we can do is hope that knowledge will increase and be passed on, nothing is as bad as an active mind can make it! Or an overly excited news personal can report! What we are looking at is mankind at it's most fragile. The old saying, knowledge is power, and nothing is scarier than the unknown. Back to my posts, knowledge is what we are lacking in dealing with Global Warming, People are either scare of what there have read because there seems to be no one with a clear cut way out of the problem, from the main street news, or they feel that no one can be trusted because they all have an agenda. Well, I have a clear cut way forward, and my only agenda is to keep people from falling for the money angle, where we make millionaires into billionaire's, at our expense, and the planets. Reach me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @ Together, we can make a better planet, that will still be able to support us, and all life far into the future! Thank You, Dan
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