Global Warming and Climate Change} Self preservation, or helping to protect others, or both?

I think both! The coronavirus outbreak has done both to the whole planet, in many ways it has shown us that everyone can accomplish much together, with simple decisions. Do we see how quickly we can agree on a direction to go when we are pressed? Global warming and climate change are very important, just as important as dealing with the coronavirus just not as time-sensitive! But in my view, the prevention of the extinction of most life on the planet has to be my greatest goal, even if it will take several lifetimes to accomplish all that needs to be done. Mankind is a stubborn species, examples are rebuilding in the same place time and time again after flooding, earthquakes, tsunamis. Or fighting wars after wars, for personal beliefs, hatred, nationality, or religion. We have quite a weird learning curve. I was looking up why there is so much oil and natural gas in Saudi Arabia and the answers I was getting off of the internet, from people with college degrees, were as far out there ( Meaning simply wrong ) as possible. How can we allow ourselves to be so deluded about such important topics? Do we at one point truly look at the planet and say yes these facts I can believe in, but these cannot be true, because they are too complicated, and go against some belief that has been handed down? Many times old wives' tales can have some truth in them, and they can be a spoken way of passing on information. And instead of explaining why they are true, they are reduced to the one-sentence verbal reminder. Many people seem to need this, don't explain just tell me what we need to know and do. Maybe what I and many others complain about with so many people, the need for content, of only 30 second sound bites, is not due to the technical world we live in, but comes from way back in our evolutionary background! It does seem that people resist change and when you can get information very quickly then surely that can not make me change my beliefs, because no deep thinking was involved! Read my 12-page paper ( boy talk about saying one thing and asking people to do another ) sorry that it is 12 pages, but I do not know how else to get this much information across, < Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy> Or call me @ 402-890-7946 in the USA or by e-mail @ <> Thanks, Dan


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