Global Warming and Climate Change} So last time I talked about Mother Nature!

So if there has never been a need for a species guiding the resources of the planet until now, how do we use the past history of the planet to go forward? Why can we not simply return the planet's atmosphere to what it was prior to mankind's appearance? First off, even with mankind's know-how, it would be such an expensive undertaking that most of the planets middle-class would have to be taxed at such a high rate, it alone would take the economy into the largest recession or more likely depression, since the great one of 1929! Second off, in doing so create a worst problem then what there was. We have to find a middle ground that no matter what your take on global warming is the solution that I have proposed will satisfy everyone, Except those that believe that we do not need to fix, the refugee problem, the extreme weather problem, or the economy of the planets, need for greater access for food in the present or future, those people will not like my plan at all and are quite happy with the status quo! So in a nutshell, Stop all waters coming off of the land surface of the planet, and redirect in to anywhere on the planet water is needed to erase all arid and semi-arid areas  ( Yes this will take many years ) and bring ocean water onto places that either below sea level such as the Salton sea in California, or death valley, and maintain the correct balance of salts so that we will benefit from both the evaporation of waters into the atmosphere and the growing of ocean life for food. This would also include lakes such as Utah lake, The Great Salt Lake in Utah, The Dead Sea, ( again this would take many years ) By using the 50,000,000 plus refugees to do all of this work in exchange for the lands and waters as there's. Just as the USA did with the homestead act, The one difference that would have to come into play, would be the prices of commodities would have to be set, so that no one would be chased out by larger players using low prices to drive out competition. (We have to learn from past experiences, or be doomed to repeat them.) This practice would also help every farmer around the planet, who would like to know what their crop will be worth come harvest time! Plus also help ease any worries about the overproduction of their produce, because of all the new lands increasing food around the planet I can be reached in the USA, at 402-890-7946 or by email,  Thank you, Dan


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