Global Warming and Climate Change} Take a good long look at a map of the planet that show, vegetation!

What do you see, do you see a planet with full plant life, or do you see a planet with deserts all over! No plant life at either the arctic or Antarctica, with minimum plant life in many areas of the planet, why? Because if there was abundant plant life over the whole planet it would have to be all, from the cam family of plants! This also means that the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere would be so low that the whole planet would then be forever ice, the sun's energy would be too low to keep the planet warm enough to prevent that! Mankind is so positive that the planet can go on forever, are there no facts that will persuade them otherwise? Life on this planet will not end, if my plan to repair it is not taken up at this time. As long as we do not kill ourselves off, sooner or later someone with the right accreditations, will take up the right way to repair the planet. It will be harder later on, especially if we have taken 400 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and sequestered it where even we can not retrieve it. But there is plenty of limestone on the planet to dig up and reduce it back into carbon dioxide so at that point we can start replanting the now much larger, arid and semi-arid areas, of the planet. But I would sorely miss working with the right plan to start with, that would be such a waste! I am not talking about the wasted money, but the wasted lives of all the people that could be building a better life for themselves and their families! Come on people show me what direction we can go in to prevent these tragedies, I simply can not do this with no help! Yes, you can be that help! Tell people, email friends, do you know someone that knows someone? Yes I only have 3000 views, but everyone knows 20 others, and they know 20 others, and on and on. Call me, e-mail me, write to me, 402-890-7946 in the USA <> Maybe this is why mankind is here? The only species ever to evolved enough, to keep life going on this planet! Haven"t you ever wondered why? Thank you, Dan


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