Global Warming and Climate Change} There are levels of importance!

Right now how the world deals with the coronavirus, is only below feeding ourselves, and protecting our family from the elements. That is about as high as anything can get. And yet very few of us that are not in the first lines of defense, can do much except try and reduce the chances for ourselves being infected. Hopefully, this is a once in a lifetime occurrence, but I have no reason to know that one way or another. If there was no coronavirus, what then are the responsibilities of the common individual? First food and shelter, then clothing and income, then a means of getting around. Most would then do family and friends, and work, this is when the lines of needs would start to change from one to another, social causes, such as volunteering work both political and neighborhood charity's, then world-wide causes, such as pollution, hunger, clean water to drink, sex trafficking, children labor! The list while not endless could be very long, but not for the majority of people. Most people while they may send some money to a few charities, that is their limit of involvement! Right now the people that are in the front lines of whatever cause they are championed, while they may not be all extremists, they believe in their cause more deeply, then almost anyone else ever will! And that bothers most other people, that see everything in moderation and to try and work with-in a framework, that has been legitimized. Meaning that the very energy that someone may bring to a cause may actually work against them in recruiting others, more mainstream, to their cause! With so many people right now preaching doom and gloom, about everyone's carbon footprint, they have gone too far, for the vast amount of people that are not on the far right or far left of on any issue! And those that are far right or far left, already have a cause that fits them, be it abortion, religion, communism, war, refugees, oil production, tree cutting, or some other ideological point of view. But tell people how to repair the climate and global warming, without very much if any sacrifice on their part, that will also solve the global refugee problem in such a manner as to improve food reliability, around the planet. And still, having mankind looking forward in an energy sustainable manner for the future of the planet. And as a big plus, help clean-up the oceans! Reach-me @ <> Or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 Thank you, Daniel


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