Global Warming and Climate Change} This is the time, with so many people staying home, to really understand climate change causes, and it not just about mankind adding carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
When I first started my most unusual blog, explaining what life on the planet is facing in the long run. Meaning within around 1000 years, basically, most of the carbon-based life on this planet will be extinct, without the intervention of a thinking and acting species, and as of now, that is only mankind! The coronavirus, that is sweeping around the planet right now, while serious is manageable, the economical fallout may be worst than the disease. This is a wake-up call on many fronts, the first one being the timeframe on how long it takes for symptoms to show up, from the viruses point of view that helps spread itself around much better then if they showed up quickly then there would be fewer people infected, plus the fact that many people will show no signs at all helps the spread the virus. Medical scientists feel that this will give those people immunity to the virus for at least a few years, however as with many viruses, they can learn to hide in the human body, only to become active, some times years later, once this outbreak is over, scientists will have to do long term investigations, not just on a vaccine but to see if the virus has fully been defeated by the human immune system, or if it has the ability to hide in the body doing slow damage over time? Scientist I AM NOT, I am someone who builds homes, businesses, apartments, furniture, and I solve problems. And these can run the gamut, from how to take down a large tree surrounded by homes on all 4 sides, to repair or replace underground plumbing 100 years old. Or my favorite, what caused the planet to enter into the glaciation cycle that started around 2.5 million years ago. When I started studying these over 50 years ago, NO one I knew was worrying about Global Warming, but when I entered the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1975, I was studying Agriculture, and I had a class that talked about problems that crops and plants were exposed to, how to identify the problem and how to repair it. The teacher would show a slide of a field and asked the class what were we looking at. At one point he put up a picture of a very large alfalfa field nice and square but with a large brown area right in the middle of the field, none of us could figure out what was wrong, no bug's were eating it, the field was in dry California, so it was irrigated, when we were told what it was I was shocked! The field was 2 miles square in size and in a valley where there was very little wind, and the alfalfa was dying in the middle of the field because of carbon dioxide starvation! With very little wind in this valley, what carbon dioxide was in the atmosphere was being used up around the borders of the field and there was not enough left for the plants in the middle, the solution was very simple, several smudge pots were placed in the middle of the field and lite so that the burning oil released carbon dioxide but also the heated air as it rose up it would draw in surrounding air helping to mix the atmosphere. Now I have called several Agriculture colleges in California during the last few years, and no one at these colleges has ever heard of this problem. It seems that some things have changed since 1975. But this one class had a lot to do with how I was approaching the answers that I was looking for in ice age development. Once I started looking at low Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, many things started to fall into place, ever the cause of arid and semi-arid areas, being increased ever since the start of this ice age that we are currently still in(?) was being explained by the survival of the wettest. But the real clincher for me was the ice coring that was going on and what that was saying about the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, whenever the planet was in a period of staging more ice, or when an interglacial period would start, even taking into account Milankovitch oscillations. Only about this time, did I begin to understand how important was the development of arid and semi-arid areas in taking away some of the temperature regulation ability of the planet by the loss of so much ground cover, which then reduced cloud formation. People that may now have more time on their hands, should back check much of what I have said here, and then get the word out, on the only way to really repair our planet. Call me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or if you must, I can be reached by e-mail @ <> Thank You, Dan
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