Global Warming and Climate Change} What is mankinds point of view about mother nature?

Back in the 70s, there was a commercial, that showed "mother nature" as a wise woman caring for her children, but did not like someone trying to fool her, and responded with extreme weather! When talking with people, this view does seem to be in the back of many people's minds, that if we would just leave nature alone, "she" will repair all of the damage that mankind has inflicted, on her planet! But in reality, there is no entity that is overseeing the planet, there is life on this planet because it has the necessary ingredients, for life to exist. For plants that are energy, (the sun) water, (as a solvent) and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (as a building block that all life needs to construct life). For animal life, we need to add free oxygen in the atmosphere. Many times in the past of the planet, life itself caused its own extinction! The best-known one was perhaps, the great oxygen event, that caused an estimated 80% of all life on the planet to vanish, (this was not like the asteroid that wiped out most life in only months,) but it took 1000's to millions of years for this to happen with the ever slowly increasing amount of the poison "oxygen" that changed what type of life could continue on this ever-changing, planet! So when looking at the past events that have shaped the planet we find ourselves on, we must acknowledge that changes are to be expected. But nowhere in the past has there been a need for any interference, by something living on the planet. The most important word in the last sentence is "need" never before has one of the three needs for plant life been compromised, carbon as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for plant growth ( I am not talking about what mankind has put into the atmosphere for the last 3000 years ) but what has been lost to sequestration of carbon in forms that life can not use. Over 99.999% of all of the carbon that was at one time or another carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, has now been taken out of the carbon cycle and locked away in limestone, other sedimentary rocks, or buried so deep underground that unless it comes in contact with a volcanic area of the planet, then it too is removed from the carbon cycle. Of all creatures of the planet, only mankind has the ability to take these materials and return them as carbon dioxide! I can be reached in the USA by phone at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at Thank you, Dan


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