Global Warming and Climate Change} Would such an experiment, really prove my plan on how we need to fix the planet and why?

I believe that, while it may not convince die yards, ( that really nothing could convince ) it would open many people in the scientific world, that something is going on that they have never even thought about. And while it may not prove to them that what I say is happening, is happening, many will regard the results as important enough to try and find an answer that will fit the facts! And that is when some will be convinced that I am right, and since my way of fixing Global Warming, but also fixes it cheaper by far than any other way that has been talked about. Plus It replaces Glaciers that many hundreds of millions of people rely on for downstream water. Plus it cleans up all of the rivers of the planet because that water will now be used for replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. Plus it keeps most of mankind's waste from entering the oceans. Plus it prevents red tides around the planet due to added nutrients that use up all of the oxygen in the water, causing fish and animal death. Plus it finds a very excellent solution to the massive refugee problem facing mankind, giving hope and meaning to these people! Plus it would greatly improve the amount of food available around the planet and if done right keep the price received, for all producers around the planet constant, I know of no farmer who does not wish to know how much they will receive at harvest time! This last one is more of an esoteric idea, more behind the scene, for much of this will require most governments of the planet to work together (this is not without precedents, examples would be "doctors without borders", "the red cross or red crescent", even NATO could fall into this category. Now there would be a need for almost unlimited manpower around the whole planet, giving many a reason to try for a better life elsewhere! While the cost to any one nation would be less than simply trying to retrain people for a different career because this would be done at the "towns" for free. There would and could be some governments unwilling to allow these "people" in or even out, even if there would only be a plus for the county, (I have a hard time seeing President Trump from the USA allowing anyone in) Now that is a lot of pluses! Reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 Or by e-mail @  Yes I can be a little naive Thank you Dan


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