Global Warming and Climate Change} Science and the how to of science, have been taught!
When someone enters into the study of any endeavor. Be it building, science, welding, plumbing, it really does not matter what the endeavor is, everyone is taught the same. These are the fundamentals of how we learn, we are taught an orderly progression of how to do things, first A then B down the line. The teaching of science takes this way of learning to the extreme because only if something can be consistently repeated over and over, and verified can you call it known! And whatever you are trying new it always has to be compared to the way it was always done before and at the same time. What this means is that when you are trying to study past events, many of your study controls are not available, so science needs to use proxies! Proxies can be many different things that replaces being there, examples can be tree rings, but are they showing droughts, the cold, lack of sunlight, too much heat, or perfect growing conditions ( in my 63 years I have never seen a perfect growing season). Ice coring can also be used as a proxy for carbon dioxide levels, snowfall amounts, volcanic events, types of other gasses that may have been in the atmosphere, again so many things can be misrepresented, if taken at face value! So science is at a disadvantage when using time-honored methods that can not be so applied, and proxies used instead! Very few people can think outside the box. ( why do we see the same plot lines on t.v. shows and movies?) And scientists, even more so not just because of the way that they have been taught, but because of peer pressure, to not rock the boat, and listen to your older more respected bosses. Right now anything that can be used to confirm, commonly held beliefs about mankind's addition of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as nothing but a negative. How can another reason, that while agreeing with rising temperatures and more extreme weather events, puts a completely different spin on the why, and therefore the how, to remediate the problem? Reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at <> Thank you, Dan
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