Global Warming and Climate Change} Glacier replenishment, what to think about?
Every ski resort knows that they can not depend on nature for snow. It is all about the money, no snow, no skiers paying big bucks, so what do they do? They make snow in the winter when nature does not, and not just a little snow either, and they have to make their snow at night so that they do not interfere with their paying customers. That means that they need access to lots of water, how do they do that? Each situation is different, but since any water that they use during the winter season can be recaptured when the snow melts in the spring, plus whatever nature did bring. This is the same that we have to do with Glacier replenishment, yes they are in even colder areas than most ski-resorts, but we really do not need to make snow, we just have to pump tons and tons of water high enough so that ice can be made as it is sprayed out into the air. Yes, this means collecting the meltwater that is produced during the warm season and replacing it during the colder times of the year, And by using labor that is working all year long on there own land, very little money would be needed for these endeavors. And with automation and computers really very little labor would be needed once the dam's and pumps are installed Think how much could be saved with flood control and drought prevention. I like to think that, Stopping all of the great rivers of the planet from entering the sea's and ocean's of the planet, will go a long way in cleaning up the oceans. Replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet with all of that fresh silt-laden waters will increase the temperature-regulating ability of the planet. Replenishment of glaciers will allow cities downstream access to water, for the future. And using lands below sea level and those areas such as Utah lake, that have no outlet to become saltwater lakes for raising all manners of seafood. All of this together, would create a whole new economy, for raising 100's of millions of people into a self-employed middle class, in just one or two generations. And creating a completely new way of life, that would be self-sustaining. Reach me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @ <> Thank you for reading and telling others, Dan
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