Global Warming and Climate Change} Throughout history knowledge has been found and lost!
How many times, did it take for mankind to finally say that the world was round and it went around the sun? How many times was penicillin invented and then lost? Knowledge is not set in stone, once it is found, for everyone to benefit from that knowledge. Many times it is lost because someone will lose money, power, standing, or even fame if the new knowledge is brought forth. You may think that it can no longer happen with the level of schooling that most of the world now enjoys, and with the internet so that people can pass knowledge to everyone, but you would be very wrong! What people believe to be true, and what is true, can be completely wrong. Look at the divide in almost every aspect of life, religion, sex, who can vote, are there differences in race, or age, can we really tell how old a rock is, there is not one subject that everyone will agree upon, this even includes that the world really is round and it goes around the sun every 365.24 years. Most children in America learn enough in high school to understand some of what they need to know to enter sociality as productive citizens. But how sociality really works they have very little knowledge of. And there are so many layers of any sociality, that no one ever knows all of them! Just because something is right does not mean it will be used if someone else can stop, for whatever reason they want. Mankind could be on the cusp of being great, but only if everyone is treated as they themselves would like to be treated. My theory is that the carbon cycle is the root cause of why the planet goes into glaciation cycles throughout the history of the planet! Prior to the cycle that many will say we at still in, the strength of the sun was what allowed them, because the sun's in very slowly increasing the output of energy that reaches the planet! Meaning that even with more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere then we have now, the planet entered into a glaciation cycle that started around 2.5 million years ago! Where we are now with extreme weather over much of the planet, is a direct by-product of the planet's much larger increase of arid and semi-arid areas since the start of the glaciation period that the planet was in. ( mankind addition of atmospheric carbon dioxide has delayed already by several thousand years from the planet entering into another ice age ) With this large increase of areas of the planet that no longer added ground cover and the moisture that went hand in hand with plant respiration, cloud cover which both reflects much of the sunlight back into space and blankets the surface of the planet with surface heat-retaining properties, both of these losses of properties of cloud-cover, has the action of increasing temperature extremes across much of the land surface of the planet! This increase in temperature extremes directly results in weather extremes, which is the problem facing the planet and mankind as we speak. The only solution, that both repairs extreme weather conditions, and the planet's need for repairing its temperature regulation abilities, Is the replanting of these areas of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet by using all of the waters of the great and small rivers of the planet, and using the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to do that. I am asking that anyone that can show me how I am in any way mistaken, or simply wrong do just that! Science has the responsibility to discover what is really happening on the planet, NOT just the current state of the planet but what has led to this state, only by following the complete lifecycle of the planet can a determination be made on the way forward! Reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at <> Read my 12-page paper <Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy> Thank You, Dan
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