Global Warming and Climate Change} Milutin Milankovitch, was a brilliant man, BUT

Brilliant, But I can not find where he himself ever said that what is now know as "the Milankovitch Oscillations" ever caused the ice age that we are in. All that I have read is where he felt that they influenced higher and lower temperatures on the planet! But over the years, that when you talk to people about what caused the ice age that we are still in, his name comes up as the why, and how! This is one of those excepted "facts" that are in reality, not "a fact" at all. But it becomes a stumbling block and, problem, when trying to get the correct cause for why we are in an ice age out there. Back in the 70s, a quite extensive study was done that showed that Milankovitch Oscillations did not cause the ice age, but in their words "paced" the ice age! I like that word "PACED" simple, elegant, and correct (as far as it goes.) For carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, below 180 parts per million, will always cause the start of the staging of more ice on the planet, 200 parts per million will only do the same if the planet is at the low end of energy received from the sun! (I hope that I do not have to state that I am talking only about the last 2.5 million years). With an unintended result, mankind has kept us out of the truly last ice age, but that unintended result created another (do I dare say) unintended result, where the loss of part of the planet's temperature regulation, with the creation of so much arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, making extreme weather more common! Mankind the savior of the planet, and the bane of the planet, all in the same breath. Using my plan will remove "the bane", and could improve the lives of most people living now and in the future! But that I am afraid it is up to people like you, who are reading my paper   Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy   And either checking out what I am saying, or just saying either, what a quake, or different idea, and then go on to the next article! One person alone cannot make a difference, only with many can something splendid happen! Reach me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @ Thank you, Dan


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