A synopsis of; life cycle of a planet by Daniel Kadavy.

A synopsis of;  life cycle of a planet by Daniel Kadavy.                       Starting around 2.5 million years ago, the planet entered into the current glaciation period that we are still in! This was a direct result of low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as the levels approach between 180 and 200 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the temperature of the planet decreases enough for ice to be staged in vast quantities over the most northern and most southern hemispheres. As the levels of the oceans fall, this slowly releases enough carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere to warm the planet up enough to enter an inter-glacier phase, which typically would last only around 10,000 years. While the time frame for the glacier phase would be between 40,000 and 110,000 years. During these 2.5 million years the creation of vast areas of arid and semi-arid, again being caused by the lack of enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for there to be abundant plant life around the planet, so anywhere that available water was not sufficient under these changing conditions, they became the increased arid and semi-arid areas of the planet! This change in the amount of so much of the planet no longer supporting plant life, has caused several serious developments in how the temperature of the planet is regulated! Prior to the start of the latest glaciation period, there was abundant plant life over the majority of the land surfaces of the planet. Both snow cover, and cloud cover, have a high albedo effect, meaning that quite a bit of the rays from the sun is reflected back into space, instead of being converted into heat. Both of these help in maintaining cooler temperatures than otherwise would be. However, with the loss of so much plant respiration and the plants themselves, these areas produce a lot more heat then in times past. This loss of some of the planet’s ability to regulate the extremes of weather is why we are experiencing such an increase in extreme weather with the addition of only 150 parts per million of extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! By using this extra 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in addition to all of the water of the rivers of the planet for replanting arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, we will reestablish, the ability the planet normally has, for temperature regulation, when plant life is in abundance around the planet! This way will allow much more carbon dioxide to be in the atmosphere without adverse effects, on the climate of the planet! The second part of the plan is to replenish the glaciers of the planet by returning water in the form of either snow or ice each winter. Not every glacier will need to be rebuilt, but the more that is, the easier it will be to prevent water shortages later! Antarctica would be a great place to stage a lot more ice.                                                                                                                         
End of the synopsis of, Life cycle of a planet.                                          How do we start?                                      
What do we need to have, to replant so much of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet? We start with the desire to solve the greatest problem that the planet has ever faced! The extinction of the vast majority of all carbon-based life forms on this planet! Due to the slow but relentless removal of carbon dioxide due to the sequestration of carbon by sea life being buried and then removed from the carbon cycle of life, along with surface erosion due to the movement of water! We need to start with the following requirements, available water, labor, access to the arid and semi-arid areas in question, energy, knowledge in moving water, planting requirements, outlets for the new food produced, non-governmental oversight for the creation of the new “towns” necessary to support the labor forces, for moving water, and for the replenishment of glaciers, and farmers for the replanting of the arid and semi-arid areas, of the planet!                                                                                                      

Let’s talk about the labor necessary for such a massive endeavor. Could the world pay for 50,000,000 people to work on such a project? No, but could the world afford the necessary money for the start-up, of course, they are doing that now without any expectation of repayment, in supplying food and shelter, for that many and more who are running away from so many different problems! So all we need to do is offer the correct incentives, to get the refugees of the planet begging to be included for the chance of a lifetime! The real prospect of being your own boss, on land that in time you will own, using only your sweat for the cost of it, and living somewhere that you are not worrying about if someone will come in the middle of the night and kill you. Yes, you will have to play by the rules that you have voted for, and you will not be able to sell your land until you need to retire, or your children take over. But that is the way that title to land has been done for 100’s of years passed down from parents to children the only difference would be how much land people could own, would be strictly controlled. No one can buy land, you could only become its owner after working the land for so long, this way there would be no big land barons feeding off of others sweat! You would earn what you produced, yes after so many years, some taxes would be needed to supply infrastructure and other things that do not create wealth, but only after the farms would become profitable.

Moving water!                                                         
Mankind has a lot of practice in doing just that, look at the Panama Canal, the three gorges dam in China, Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, where so much of that river is used that it does not even reach the Rio Grande any more, we can do engineering wonders, when there is a good reason, and with all of the benefits of stopping the rivers of the planet from entering the seas and oceans of the planet, from keeping mankind’s pollution, fertilizer, heavy metals, from entering the oceans, and protecting the level of the oceans from rising and destroying more habitat for both wildlife and mankind, without using the rivers of the planet there simply is not enough rainfall to do what needs to be done with replanting, two more big pluses would be greater flood prevention, and more wildlife habitat, by creating slower rivers, and of course fisheries for food production so we wouldn't need to use the oceans so much for our food source. The more control we take over our rivers, the better for both mankind, and the planet. We should also remember that by stopping water from entering the oceans, some of the carbon sequestrations will be stopped, that which is caused by erosion and then buried deep in the great delta of the rivers of the planet! When we start to gather all of the waters of the planet, great care should be made as to how much and at what times and none should be pumped and sent straight away, but into holding dams, so that unexpected needs can be accommodated. With the benefit of also being a fishery, so the local population will feel that they are getting something in return for the loss of waters, even though it would flow right by them anyway. All efforts would need to be made so anyone not affiliated, with the repair of Global  Warming, will have no reason to think bad of a project that is not costing them any money and is producing food and whatever else each “town” would be producing. As the waters are collected and distributed to the most efficient areas, whether by pipes or canals, processing of the water for any pollutants should occur and where they are found then backtracking them to their source, would help in stopping them there! Preventing more contamination elsewhere, in theory, all waters that would have once been sent down into the oceans would now be stopped and cleaned in many different ways and all sources of pollution could be backtracked and repaired at the site. Making all water cleaner resulting in less disease and sickness for all. In a perfect world, this already should be done, but many times is not. Infrastructure is the one area that all governments should be most responsible for, and yet seems to be lacking in many places, corruption, and greed plays a big part in this around the planet. With proper oversight and not by a government agency, but by people on the ground having the authority to oversee where every dollar goes. It is the only way to prevent corruption. Any attempt to bypass this oversight would result in immediate dismissal for the offending party and any sums of money found missing, those responsible would forfeit all of their properties, and be barred from any future service! Why will we be able to clean all of this water when each government has been unwilling to do so because of cost, and lack of will? Because we will have the advantage of the size of numbers, and knowing and needing to keep all of the soils, organic matter, and other nutrients that have been flowing with the rivers, to now to be used to fertilize the replanting areas that on land are very important! But putting this same material into the seas and Oceans causes nothing but problems! Mankind and those in charge have little or no reason to clean up the oceans and seas of the planet, because it all costs money with little or no redeeming value, and even if some government agency would be put in charge of keeping plastics from flowing down into the Oceans, that would not stop people from throwing away their bottles in the first place, and whatever cost that the agency incurred, would be taken out of some other needed program! We have become a society of let’s not try and make money on recycling plastics but paying people to recycle for us and they still will tell you, that they are losing money! There was a joke back in the ’70s when hog prices were very low, that when like this. A group of thieves stole 100 baby pigs and a truck full of grain, and in six months when the pigs were sold they only lost 5 dollars a pig! This does show a real problem with producers that do not control enough of the supply chain of the food that they produce, they are at the mercy of the buyers, for what prices that they are paid, so that will be a big point of how we need to set up the farms that are needed to save the planet. The complete chain of custody from raw product to finished product will be in the hands of each town, this will include fresh produce, dried produce, canned, and anything else that would normally be sold in a store, ready to take home and eat or cook with! In this way, the supply chain will not be producing more than needed but will have lots in reserve, for those times of unexpected shortages or famines caused by many reasons. Right now mankind is seeing how shortsighted we have been in dealing with, a to be expected, pandemic! How much governments will learn, is yet to be seen, but the supply chain that we have been engineering for the last 50 years, where we only have a small amount on hand to prevent too much inventory being store in big warehouses, was seen as a cost-cutting measure, that has come to bite us in this time of need. Price controls are very important for the necessities of life, both for the producers and final users of the products! But what are considered necessities of life continue to change!   
Where do we start? In America, we need to start with how we buy what we consume on a daily basis. Whether it is food or material goods, it all has to have minimal packaging, and all packaging needs to be easily recycled. Food should be in reusable glass instead of plastic or steel, just as many of our parents would get milk in glass bottles that would be rewashed and reused for years, even beer can come in glass or kegs. Many things that are made in today's world can last much longer than what our parents had access to, cars for the most part, last much longer and are more reliable than before, this being said many things do not last as long, or made to become obsolete in a short period! Much of this is a by-product of the culture that many Americans have been brought up with, new is good, and more is better, who does not want the latest phone, t.v., car, or whatever is being sold, and why repair when you can upgrade and replace? Have you ever been in an American women’s closet, where she keeps her clothes and shoes? They tell me that with-out women buying new clothes and shoes, our economy might just collapse? What this all means is, how do we change so many different points of view without every single person rebelling about one point or another? WE CAN NOT! But we can educate, inform, teach, that every single person on this planet should expect to be able to find their own path in life, but help can be, only a conversation away! And not following the crowd, can be something to find comfort in. I am not an artist, I can only draw a straight line with a straight edge, but there are millions on this planet that have that gift! Music, painting, actors, authors, so many different types. But the planets people can not use them all, so only a small percent can make a living with those talents, so they have to make a living some other way, not because they are less talented, but they simply did not get the right breaks or help, or was not pretty enough, or not pushy enough, or did not know the right person! What is really sad is that almost every painter that the world now says was one of the masters of their art, died, either broke or beholding to others for their livelihood, only after their death did their art make money for the wealthy, plus the auction houses, never for their families. The starving artist in whatever field they are in, is what brings light into this world. The question is why am I talking about such things? How can that be important to replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, so that all forms of life can continue on this carbon-based world? Because mankind has a drive, whether that drive is for seeing your children are better off than you were, or finding fulfillment with what you have accomplished or are accomplishing. But to expect all people to find happiness with only a paycheck is selling mankind short! And the people that we are trying to get interested in helping to solve the greatest challenge that the planet has ever faced, all 50,000,000 of them will need to be able to see, not just a short term advantage, but a life change for the better. And this must take every life need, that 50,000,000 people will have, to heart. I am not saying that this will be the answer to everyone's problems in life, but we need to start out with the best of intentions, instead just taking the needs of the planet and ourselves, that have led to great wrong’s on the planet, if history is not listened to. And the work that will need to be accomplished, in some very hard and harsh climates, especially in the beginning, is not to be understated! I have heard people comparing what we are going through with the coronavirus right now, as comparing what our parents and grandparents had to do with World War Two! I am sorry there is no comparison! Yes, people are dying before their time, and the people on the front lines are risking much with-out asking for anything in return, but to compare this to what is even happening in many parts of the world right now, as in the wars in the middle east, or the famines in Africa, we have become immune, to some of the real sufferings of the World. We see it all daily in the papers or on the news, and of course, we have to be able to disengage, or we could not sleep at night, for all of the sufferings we can do so little about. But if we can take the chance, and find a way to do what I am proposing, for repairing the planet, we can change the lives of generations of people, and start down the long never-ending road, of keeping carbon-based life on this planet. I have written the 12-page paper <Life cycle of a planet Daniel Kadavy> and have added 147 short post’s and then this 8-page paper trying to tie together many of my ramblings so that people can come to understand what I am trying to get across, but I am not a writer or a scientist. And I feel that others could do this topic, these paper’s, and get the point across much better than I have, I hope that you will forgive my attempt, and take the information that I have put forth, and give it the serious consideration that it deserves! For only going forward in the path that I have shown will start to repair the planet, otherwise, all we will be doing is telling everyone on this planet that we are and have been nothing but a blight on the planet, which would be better off with-out mankind ever being here! Which would have doomed the planet, in only a very short timeframe! 

Reach me @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you for taking the time to read these ramblings of the author, Dan.


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