Global Warming and Climate Change} Can perpetual motion on a plantary scale exist?

Hopefully, we all know that a true perpetual motion machine can not exist, one that actually produces more energy than it uses to operate! Even if we use a nuclear reactor inside the machine, as in our own solar system. Right now we receive energy from this reactor, but only the tiniest amount is received by our planet, the vast majority hits nothing but empty space. Following the laws of thermodynamics, in time it is brought down to its lowest form of energy. Back on our planet, the energy that it received is converted into different types of other energy, but in time it is all radiated back into space in some form, otherwise, our planet would simply keep heating up. Some of the suns energy is retained and stored but not as heat but only as potential energy sources, this can be as simple as sugars, that most life on this planet needs in some form to continue that life, or can be transformed by time and pressure into such things as fossil fuels! This energy cycle is only one part of the life cycle that makes all life on this planet possible. Another energy cycle of this planet plays another key role that is also necessary for life to continue, and that is the internal heat of the planet. For without this heat, our planet would already be nothing but a dead sphere orbiting the sun, but not as a big rock like the moon, but as a giant ball of ice! This would have happened, for two main reasons, 1) without the interior of the planet being hot enough to melt rock there would be no plate tectonics, no volcanoes, and a dead atmosphere due to all of the carbon that the planet has sequestrated in formations of limestone, fossil fuels, and buried deep in the soils and under the oceans of the planet, and remaining there forever without some means of being able to be returned to the atmosphere as super-heated carbon-dioxide gas! 2) Without there being enough carbon dioxide to sustain plant life on the surface, then the energy from the sun would not be able to heat up the atmosphere enough to prevent all of the waters of the planet from freezing solid. Our Sun energy output increases by about 1% every 100,000,000 years or 10% every 1Billion years! The internal heat of our planet is slowly cooling down, that cooling of the core of our planet has reduced the rate at which carbon is being returned to the carbon cycle, and the domino effect is what is in play now on the surface of our planet, lost of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, causing a cyclical glaciation on the planet, causing an increase of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, causing a loss of temperature regulation and increasing the extremes of weather due to extremes of temperature! And all mankind has to do is replant the planet! This is the most important action that mankind has ever have been thrust upon it, and is the only action that will truly start to repair the planet. Never again can mankind believe that the planet does not need us to replace those ingredients that are not being naturally recycled in part due to the interior of the planet cooling down! <> In the USA at 402-890-7946 Thank you and keep spreading the word, Dan


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