Global Warming and Climate Change} For as many hits as I have had on this Blogsite, you would think?

That with such an important subject, there would be more comments. I am afraid that most people have no idea how to even respond to what I am trying so hard to get across! Asking the questions, seems to be the hardest part of a conversation nowadays. No one wants to look uninformed but unless people have been taught about a subject how can we not be uninformed? When we look at the history of mankind or any past happening, there is normally one accepted point of view, but that does not mean that is what really happened, many times it is written down to make what happened, palatable to those that were most affected by it! A perfect example of this is the American civil war of the 1860s, ask almost anyone in the USA, what the civil war was about, and they will say slavery, and that the northern states wanted there to be no slavery allowed and the southern states said that it should be allowed. This was not what the civil war was about, yes slavery was one of the issues, but only one small issue, and not why the nation was split apart, but the victors got to write the books, that put the north in the best possible light, and made villains of the confederacy! As time goes by, the chapters in history books that our children learn from are condensed more and more because history is still being made every day and there is only so much knowledge that can be passed on. The coronavirus is one of the few things that can be said to involve the whole planet, even the Great War or World War II did not involve the whole planet, but what is happening on this planet with the slow sequestration of carbon over the complete life of the planet, is understood by almost no one, but in time it has to be, or life is doomed. And whether or not people can come to an agreement on the correct way for mankind to repair the planet, and we can not do that if we can not understand the problem, to begin with! Every one of you who's reading my Blog needs to decide if what I am saying is right or wrong. Those who have checked into what I am stating as facts, and believe that there is something to what I am saying has to begin letting everyone they know, what is truly happening with the planet. Even if, only to get other people to start thinking outside the box! Just remember, you can not come to the correct solution if you do not even know what questions need to be asked! Reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at <> Start asking questions that can lead to the correct answers. Thank-you Dan


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