Global Warming and Climate Change} I am looking for someone to help me put in book form, 163 posts!

As you who have been following my blog may have noticed, a writer I am not! My writings ramble, they do not stay on point, sometimes I try and get in too much information on seemly unrelated subjects ( but to me they are related, I simply may not have made that relationship clear.) How to go about such an endeavor, I do not know. To date, I have written over 340,000 words on this most important subject many ideas have been repeated, over and over, just in different venues. You could ask me today what exactly I wrote a day ago and the only way I would be able to tell you is by going back and rereading my own post. But if there are people who would like to help with such a project I would be very appreciative. My own work keeps me away from a computer for several days at a time, and I do not own a smartphone but have a flip phone instead. My computer skills are minimal, And the computer that I do have (Samsung chrome is the slowest one in my home, and will not let me index paragraphs) as you may have noticed, of course, that may just show you how limited my computer skills are!                     What I want to do with this "book" is to explain in great detail, how to repair the planet, and why it needs to be repaired! Yes, mankind has caused problems in many guises and manners, but only mankind can save the planet, from fate (if you will). Mankind did not cause the loss of carbon needed for life by the sequestration of carbon over the last 3 billion years, but we have (unknowing) prevented the planet from entering the next and what would have been the very last and never-ending ice age until the planet would simply become a giant ice-ball, circling, just another star! So if you true writers out there would want to help and become part of saving this planet and all of its glorious lifeforms, contact me. I am better when talking by phone, then texting just too many questions to ask! In the USA at 402-890-7946 or if you must by, is it e-mail or g-mail? <> Hope to hear from someone, thank-you Dan


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