Global Warming and Climate Change} Ocean temperature on the East and West coast of the USA?

We see Temperature Regulation, in some parts of the planet and not as much in others, why? Sometimes it is because of the uniformity of surface sunlight absorption and reflection! The oceans cover around 71% of the surface of the planet, and this leads to a very consistent and uniform absorption and reflection of sunlight over this water. Tropical rainforests are another place that has a very consistent and uniform absorption and reflection of sunlight. But where the planet is poor on this need to keep the temperature in relatively small swings from day to night, is in arid and semi-arid areas on the planet, these are the areas of the planet that reduces plant respiration, so cloud cover is minimized, and sunlight changes to heat as it hits the bare earth, there it rises up and creates thermals that move this increased heat hundreds of miles. But during the night the lack of cloud cover allows the heat of the day to radiate back into space causing the temperature swings from very hot to very cold in a single 24 hour period! These temperature extremes are what causes weather extremes, that is a great concern for the planet's inhabitants! We are not just talking about mankind, every living organism on the planet does best when living in a stable climate and yet almost all have had to adapt to weather extremes, and these were not caused by mankind. The tilt of the planet, the elliptical shape of its orbital path around the sun, you would think would have the most impact on the climate of the planet but that is not the case! What keeps this planet from being just a giant iceball circling the star we call "The Sun" is the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that makes life "as we know it" possible. Never in the history of the planet has the level of carbon dioxide dropped below "around" 180 parts per million in the planet atmosphere. Around 2.5 million years ago this very thing almost happened, which started what mankind calls the latest rounds of "Ice Ages". All-caused by the slow relentless removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over the period of time that life has been on this planet, normally just slightly more removed by sequestration of carbon, then was being replaced by normal out-gassing of the planet and back into the atmosphere! This loss of carbon dioxide, and it's resulting slow creation of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet has been why the planet lost so much of its temperature-regulating ability. Which in turn is why just a small amount of 150 parts per million of added carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by man has resulted in so many weather-related extremes in climate. We know from looking far back in time that this planet's atmosphere was almost completely made up of carbon dioxide, and many times thicker than what there is now, but with the creation of life, slowly, ever so slowly, this life-sustaining gas has become locked away from the very life that requires it. Scientists made the mistake of seeing the temperature of Venus and came to the conclusion that only the runaway effect of an atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide and 90 times as dense as our planet was why its temperature is hot enough to melt lead. Yet pay's little attention to the fact that 100,000 000 years ago there were many, many, times more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now and yet the planet climate was much more stable and uniform than now! I can be reached in the USA at 402-890-7946 (yes I answer my phone 24/7 and am happy to) or by e-mail at <> Thank you for taking the time to read my papers, and post's Dan


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