Global Warming and Climate Change} So we can learn nothing from the planet Venus about our planet? Yes we can, but to try and compare the two planets as if:

With the knowledge that mankind has @ this point in time, we are a symptom-driven society, not a causal driven one. We see this in how we treat the homeless, without understanding the cause of why a certain person is homeless, we cannot understand how to help them. There are many reasons for homelessness, poverty, single motherhood, mental problems, addictions, past experiences, medical cost, and many that are caused by others, such as parents throwing out children that do not live up to the standards that they feel are important, and sexual predation! I know so little on this subject, mainly because I am have been very fortunate not to have had such problems. (Of course, there may be some people that would disagree with that statement) Many of us live a sheltered life, we know on some level that there are many serious problems on this planet, but we have the ability to go about our lives with minimum interaction with most of these events. Even when we go to a doctor, many times the first words we hear is what is the problem, and what are your symptoms. Veterinarians, do not have this luxury of this with their patients, and yet normally can find out what is wrong, probably in just a few years, or decades, we will be able to be scanned by a piece of equipment, and whatever is wrong will be on a readout that will also be able to tell the doctor how to fix or repair the problem. But mankind is not there yet, so we look at the symptoms, and many problems have the same symptoms, but completely different causes and how to repair them are also quite different. This is where we are at with Global Warming and Climate Change, we see the symptoms of warmer temperatures, more flooding, stronger and more often storms, and say to ourselves, what has mankind done that is changing our planet? Well, the answer to that is many things, pollution, curing many diseases, draining swamps, building dams, farming, causing extinctions of animals and plants, changing how much of life on this planet lives, and increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by around 25%! So these are also some of the symptoms of the problem, but we need to ask a different question, are the symptoms also the cause, or just another part of what needs to be treated? Mankind is causing many of the symptoms, but not the underlying causation of the problem, the "SEQUESTRATION OF CARBON" by erosion, and sea life, that uses shells for there protection, and later some of it, was changed into limestone! Which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Going back to around 2.5 million years ago the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dropped low enough for the start of another Ice Ages that technically we are still in, (but we really no longer are, due to that same addition of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by mankind.) So the lack of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased arid and semi-arid areas on the planet, which in turn reduced the "temperature-regulating ability" of the planet starting 2.5 million years ago and can not be rebuilt simply by adding carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, we must also reduce the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet so plant respiration will start to increase cloud cover over those areas, reestablishing some of the lost temperature-regulating ability that was lost, due to the creation of those very areas. As a final fix to the planet, mankind must maintain the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere so that both allow full plant coverage, and maintain ice levels necessary to prevent loss of habitats for both mankind and other land-based life. Reach me at <> thank you and please pass on this knowledge to others! Dan


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