Global Warming and Climate Change} We need to stop letting other people tell us how to think!!!
Bullying is not just a bigger kid picking on a little kid, it can come in the guise of peer pressure or the running down of someone who simply does not think that the masses should be followed, or even the yelling of someone so that others will not be able to hear another's point of view. Or using past beliefs to justify the norm, or maintaining of the status quo. Being seen as wrong, or even being wrong should not stop you from saying something, we should be able to learn from our mistakes, and not laughed at because we were wrong or have an opinion that others do not want to hear about. We learn much more when we find out what we think is not right if we are allowed to be wrong, without laughter or ridicule but simply understanding that every single person on this planet has been where we may be right now! And I do mean everyone, that is how we not only learn, but we can except that no one knows anything close to everything. Just because we or someone else holds an unchallenged idea does not make it right or so. How do we stand-up to someone when everyone else just is going along? Most people has the belief, when they hear about someone being bully that they would have stepped in and stopped the bullying, but in reality very few do. Confrontation is hard for most people, With climate change, we see two sides, those that think it is not happening or that we are too unimportant in the grand scheme of the planet to make enough of a difference to really matter. Or that mankind has to stop using fossil fuels now to begin repairing our planet and begin living in harmony with the planet. I am in neither camp, carbon-based life, that we are simply one of the millions of species has unintendedly been the cause of carbon being sequestrated for the whole length of time that any and all life has been on this planet. Now mankind is here and only we can turn back the clock of life. Our planet is not the only planet that would need help in continuing on with whatever form of life each planet would find itself in! Each and every planet has or will come to this same situation, of locking away from the availability of use, whatever each life form has found to use for life on that planet, we are even taught about it in school that there is no such thing as perpetual motion! If we could see our planet as a machine, we would know that such a machine is impossible as it would violate the first or second law of thermodynamics! But the very fact that our planet has been able to recycle carbon for as long as it has, says two things, first, just how much carbon was available in the beginning, and second, just how much energy the interior of our planet has had available to keep the core hot enough to be able to recycle carbon back into carbon dioxide in the quantity needed to maintain life for so long! Do not be afraid to see and learn outside the box, and tell others! I can be reached in the USA at <> or by phone @ 402-890-7946 Thank-you Dan
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