Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind has caused many changes to the planet!

Mankind has caused many changes to the planet, but much less than life itself has! But mankind has and can continue to learn, which nature can not do. Nature, ( life ) can only respond to conditions, that it finds itself in. Only by looking back in time, going all the way to the first signs of life on this planet, and then going forward slowly looking at how both plant life and the make-up of the atmosphere that the plant's respiration has partially produced, are inter-connected. What we will see, is a very slow change to both atmospheric gases and their concentrations, and the plant life, that can adapt and continue to evolve. Though-out the long history of life on this planet, change has been the one constant, not the change mankind thinks about that we see in our lifetime, but the usual, unbelievably slow pace of life, that can take 100,000 years as in an ice age, to million's of years, as in plate tectonics. Mankind thinks of evolution as a very slow process that takes thousands of years, which can be true, many species of sharks have remained unchanged for such periods of time! But when pressure is put upon a species, change comes quickly and mankind has put such pressure on almost every type of domesticated animal, and plants both for food production and ornamental. This does not come at no cost or without unintended consequences, look at antibiotic and antimicrobial-resistant diseases. The same can be seen in herbicides to remove unwanted plants from both ornamental and food crops. You have to wonder about changes to animal life that happens when the planet enters into long periods of glaciation, most inter-glaciation period on the average only last 10,000 years and yet most of the animals that we think of as living in the glaciation period are already extinct or so greatly changed in size and appearance as to be no longer the same species as we have now. In the last, 2.5 million years did this happen every time the planet when into, and then out, of such a glaciation cycle? And if so how much change in both plant and animal life was there. Every species of life on this planet has to learn how to survive in an ever-changing eco-system, the changes that mankind has imposed on these systems, need to be challenged so as to not put any more stress, then need be on life! I can be reached in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @ Thank you for reading this, and tell others, Dan


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