Global Warming and Climate Change } People are telling me, my plans are simply too ambitious?
Ambitious, perhaps I have not explained myself well enough! What I have stated, on how to repair our planet, is not ambitious, but simply necessary. Only Mankinds Intervention, can maintain our planet for the seeable future! Only time will tell if we start what needs to be done now, or we let money and personal gain, stop us for now. But sooner or later what I am saying will be done, or the planet will cease to be able to support carbon-based life. The only way that can happen on this planet, is if mankind would no longer be a viable species! I am not a pessimist, I am an optimist on that score, as a species, we have done both terrible, and wonderful things. While we are truly the only species on the planet that can save the planet, we do not completely control our own fate, but compared to the rest of life on this planet, we are more capable of that control than anything else is. If we start what needs to be done, in the near future even in a modest way, the benefits will start to show quickly. Meaning, the only way forward is using all of the fresh waters of the planet from entering the seas and oceans of the planet, and that water will be used for three main purposes, 1) replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, 2) using the waters for the growth of aquaculture and fisheries, and 3) the replenishment of glaciers and increased storage of freshwater as ice, on all parts of the planet. Only by doing these 3 things can we recreate the ability of the planet for better and more stable temperature regulation! Ground cover is the most important part of this plan, and not as trees, but crops such as alfalfa, and cereal grains, and then trees may be planted into the ground cover, such as fruit and nut trees. By doing ground cover first, and then trees we increase plant respiration the quickest, stabilize the soils that have not been stable for a long time, and decrease heat generation from the Sun's rays hitting raw, unprotected soils. Reach me in the USA @ <> or by phone @ 402-890-7946 Thank you and keep spreading the papers at Thank-you Dan
The only way to go!