Global Warming and Climate Change} Do people really understand how little 150 parts per million is?

    If mankind could suddenly take all of the estimated fossil fuels out of the ground and somehow put it all in the atmosphere it would increase the atmospheric content of the carbon dioxide by 5 times. from 400 parts per million to 2,400 parts per million. Right now it is estimated that there are 800 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and that there are around 4,000 gigatonnes of all the different types of fossil fuel left, so the atmosphere of the planet would go from having less than .04 of a percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to having around .24 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! This new number of .24 % is still much lower than when the dinosaurs roamed the planet. Why then does adding just .015 % make such a difference in Climate Change. There was much, much, more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when the dinosaurs were here and there is no reason to think that the temperature was much different than now for the highs, and it was not believed to be ever as hot as the Arabia deserts, can reach now, so why? It is all about the loss of some (and I think much) of the planet's ability to regulate the temperature extremes of the planet! It was all about cloud cover! The only way to replace some of that cloud cover is to replant those areas of the planet that have lost their ground cover! Going back in time, long before mankind ever started to even think about coming down out of the trees, and looking at what the surface of the planet was like, is the only way to see how the temperature of the planet was being maintained. To think that we can look back only as long as mankind has been adding carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and think we know what is really happening is full of mistaken beliefs and will cause this planet great harm! We must be willing to stand back and look at the much, much bigger picture!  We must be willing to say that there is much more about this planet that as of now we do not understand, than what we do understand. 
    No one can predict the future, without understanding the past, the atmosphere of the planet has only had such small amounts of carbon dioxide in it for around 2.5 million years. That is just a blick of an eye in a geological time frame, and in that 2.5 million years the planet has sequestered on average 7 gigatonnes each and every year! meaning that the seas and oceans of the planet held over 17.5 million gigatonnes of carbon just 2.5 million years ago, now there are only 40,000 gigatonnes left! Mankind's interference has prevented the planet from generating the "Next, Last, and Neverending Ice Age" but not by burning fossil fuels. But by becoming farmers of the land, changing the short-term carbon cycle enough to give mankind time to become the only species on the planet with the ability to actually understand and direct the course that life on this planet can continue with! Each and every planet in the universe that can sustain life will at so point come to the same place that the Earth is at right now, it may not be the sequestration of carbon that becomes the limiting factor for whatever type of life each planet can sustain, but it will only be able to overcome that limiting factor with a species on that planet that can change their course. The species may not even need to actually direct the changes with a conscious effort but perhaps some specialized bacterial that makes use of what is removed to return it back. 402-890-7946 in the USA, or to read more go to Thank you, Dan


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