Global Warming and Climate Change} Do you not just hate numbers, well I am going to give you a few!
65,000,000,000, gigatonnes to 100,000,000,000 gigatonnes By the way a gigatonne is 1,000,000,000 tons this is the best guess that scientists have come up with on how much limestone there is on the planet that was once life! Now that is a range of 65 billion and 100 billion gigatonnes, that is a big range but trying to figure out how much of a certain type of rock is on such a big planet that does need some educated guesswork! The fact is most of that rock is under the oceans. So will we ever run out of limestone to make the concrete that much of our world is made of? NO! So how did we end up with so much limestone on this planet? Was it just here as our planet formed out of the dust of creation? NO! Have you ever looked at a large piece of limestone? Taken a hammer to it and broke it open? If you ever would have you would see the pattern of leaves, seashells, twigs, maybe even the fossilized bones of a fish or prehistoric animal. This is because limestone is made up of past life that was never broken down by bacterial or eaten by something so that the carbon, that all life on this planet is made up of, could be returned back to the carbon-cycle. Right now scientists have estimated that there are around 47,860 gigatonnes of carbon left on the planet that is in the form that life can use. The largest amount of carbon is in the oceans around 39,000 gigatonnes, then there are around 4,000 gigatonnes of fossil fuels left, about 1,500 gigatonnes as soil carbon, about 800 gigatonnes as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and only 560 gigatonnes as plant and animal life! Could there be more than a total of 47,860 gigatonnes? Yes, but there could also be less, these are just the best-educated numbers that scientists can mainly agree upon. This is so much less than how much carbon was available when life first started it is no wonder that plant life has had to change so much, to be able to adapt to such low number of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and why over 25% of the land surface of the planet is basically empty of that life! But this also speaks to why mankind's addition of only 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere of the planet has created so much temperature extremes on the planet! It is these temperature extremes, that cause weather extremes! Go back and read "life cycle of planet daniel kadavy" for a more in-depth explanation of how seemingly at odds, as to how the addition of a planets lifeblood can cause such unintended consequences. Thank you and keep telling others about these posts, on this most important of all subjects! Dan
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