Global Warming and Climate Change} The need to have one place to go to get people on the same page.
When someone wants to donate time, money, or knowledge, to a particular cause, it is very difficult to do so, there are too many different organizations that are supposed to help each cause. Which ones do the best, and that is even if they are not simply scams. Even doing your homework, does not mean that what you finally decide will not change with each new management that comes along. Or simply someone inside an organization will start to divert money to themselves, or worst yet the sitting board members will feel that only by paying top money can they retain high profile "people" so that they can compete with grants writers from other fields of "non-profit's". You have to begin to worry when the presidents of non-profits are making 6 and 7 figure salaries! Yes, each and every action that such non-profit makes claims for, have some truth in it, good grant writers can and do bring in more money then they are paid, but is that the point of a non-profit? Or is it to make sure that the monies that do come in make the most difference? I am trying different ways to reach out to people so that the right approach to fixing what is wrong about Global Warming and Climate Change, is actually being done in the correct manner. Everyone that I contact is so set in one path or direction, that they seem to be blinded, and refuse to put forth any effort especially if it would change there own position (understandable but very short-sighted.) Very seldom does rocking the boat, turn out well, and what I am proposing on the only way to repair the planet, can be seen as much more than "rocking the boat" It is more like turning the boat over, shaking everything out and going in another direction altogether, and how is that going to play out on the world stage if what everyone has been told on how bad mankind has been on their carbon footprint, turns out somewhat different then it really is. As of right now, everything that we are doing, reducing our needs on fossil fuels, investing in green solutions to energy needs, making cleaner coal or natural gas plants, reducing packaging for products (we do have a long way to go on that one) are all good things and we need to do even more in those directions. But even if you truly believe that only by reducing everyone's carbon footprint to zero can we repair the planet, you must know that we can not do that in the near future, it is simply impossible to do. But we do have enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to replant all arid and semi-arid areas of the planet now, and by using all of the rivers of this great planet we have the freshwater to do it with, and with 50,000,000 refugees fleeing injustice, poverty, hungry, and whatever else is causing them to try for a better life elsewhere, we have the man-power and brains necessary to do all that needs to be done. We simply lack the will to do what needs to be done. No matter what side of the fence you are on, this plan will solve what needs to be solved with the least amount of both costs (it will make billions of dollars in just a few short years or possibly decades) and without causing undue hardships for the almost every species on this planet. (okay with the possible exception of the desert scorpion) sorry about them! I can be reached by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @ < > Thank you and tell others if even a little of this seems interesting Dan
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