Global Warming and Climate Change} What are the most pressing issues that most countries face?
Employment, access to food and clean water, access to Medical care, housing, these are what most people on this planet required to live a life with minimal contact with their governments. If a government can either supply or have other supply these 4 things then normally the citizens will be content enough not to create conflict that is not easily settled. I am not trying to minimalize all of the other needs that people have, but if they have those 4 things in acceptable quality, then it has to be something of great need that would cause people to protest against that government. Right now that very problem can be found with racial inequality in American! Life is always unjust in some ways, not just hate and bigotry, but just the fact that someone is not like you may cause strife, That is when the people in charge, of those people that have issues with others, need to send a clear message that while they may not be able to control how there people think and act, but they will make those that act, accountable for there actions and will not be able to hide behind them! Everyone can understand when something bad happens, its when the people in power do nothing that gets everyone mad!!! Without people being held accountable, then that proves, that there really is not equal justice. I am a white male, and I have had the police behave with arrogance and complete uncaring, (do what I say, I am in charge, or else). Who hasn't seen, this behavior, so we see the police, not as someone who will bring calm and intelligence to a situation, but as someone who will bring a gun and a club, because they have been taught, that when in uniform, everyone is to be approached as a possible threat! And yet most police go their entire career without firing their weapon. We are taught that justice is blind, but that is not and never has been the case! Yes, a few bad apples can and has caused many to be unfairly judged, but since those in power do nothing even when shown such atrocities, then those in power should be the first to go! So we can celebrate, the good men and women, who really do want to help keep people safe! This will allow mankind to go forward with real problems such as climate change and not man-made problems of racial inequality! Yes, Climate Change is real, but truly not man-made, It is 3 billion years in the making. I can be reached in the USA @ < > or by phone at 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan
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