Global Warming and Climate Change} Something as simple as cutting your lawn, should show us why!

Have you ever notice, that to get a really beautiful lawn that you need to fertilize it every year and that is, even if you mulch the grass as you cut it every week. Why is that, if you do not remove any of the organic material from the lawn? Shouldn't the lawn actually get better looking every year with the increase of carbon availability from each generation growth of more and more organic matter? There is so much that does not add up in plant life. When a farmer removes 300 hundred bushels of corn from each acre, he does not have to replace the 300 times 56 pounds per bushels or 16,800 pounds of organic matter because that comes from the air and sun's energy, normally he just has to add around 150 lbs of nitrogen to each acre, to get the next crop going, and if the crop is soybeans you do not even have to add nitrogen because there are bacteria that work in a symbiotic relationship with the soybeans so that in return for living on the soybean roots and receiving food from the roots of the soybeans the bacteria takes nitrogen out of the atmosphere so that the soybeans can use it for growth. So the question is why hasn't grasses like corn come to this same symbiotic relationship? Or why hasn't man been able to modify corn to do the same? with the atmosphere being 78% nitrogen it seems that only a bolt of lightning can cause some of that nitrogen to precipitate out of the atmosphere by the heat that it causes! Perhaps these questions have already been answered, and I simply have not heard what those answers are, or that there are just so many questions we have not had the time to think about. Well I am going to bed with a million questions and I do not even know which questions are the important ones, or perhaps every question is important. For those out there who knows some of the answers, I can be reached at < > or In the USA 24/7 @ 402-890-7946 Thanks, Dan


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