Grammarly is fantastic for people like me who can not spell, but sometimes they can change a word!
Into another word, if you do not read what you have written very closely. In my last post, I missed spelled "about," and they changed it to "above," Grammarly, they are very good, it is only my own fault that I did not reread my post closely enough! ( but it does make a person feel good to blame someone or something else, whoever wants to be wrong about anything?) But the facts are that mankind is wrong many times before it finally gets it right, and we still can not get rid of wars. Had Germany stopped after taking over Poland, it had pulled itself out of one of the worst periods of depression by building up its war machine, and could have taken back it's standing of being the powerhouse of Europe, Many Countries in Europe would have been grateful to have Germany as an Allie, instead, we all know what happened to end up with the slaughter of 6 million people of the Jewish faith. Even to this day, that war is being played out in the Middle East. We should never feel that we were wronged because science is an ongoing endeavor to understand everything, and it takes a long time to understand how our planet works, and we are limited because we are all wearing blinders. We are blinded by timelines that are billions of years long, blinded by expectations that the planet is truly a perpetual motion machine when it comes to carbon in forms that plant life can use, blinded by going against beliefs that are 1,000s of years old (that the planet will go on, if only "she" is not killed by mankind), and blinded by our own fear of going against our peers! Right now in time, we have so many good things going for this planet, we are however a people that that always see the future as half empty, not really thinking that everything can go right just by using a little elbow grease to help it along. But that is really all we need to do! Reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 or if you must, I can be reached @ < > Thank you, Dan
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