Global Warming and Climate Change} Just as perpetual motion cannot exist, even using the sun's enengy!

Because sooner or later, some necessary ingredient for life will start to run short! I would think that on Planet Mars it was an atmosphere, which due to the lower gravity of the smaller planet, was lost many millions of years ago, while on the Planet Venus, it was the lack of planetary rotation. I do believe that with time life could have adapted to a planet that was slowly lengthening its days and nights, because of evolution, plants seem to be able to adapt to almost any slow change, but to be able to start life with such profound extremes, that may simply be too much to ask of even life, which as we know can live by adaptation almost anywhere as long as it can start in a somewhat stable environment. As of now, there is almost no proof that some type of life has ever existed on either Venus or Mars. But if you believe in Uniformitarianism which to me says that if it could happen anywhere, it could, therefore, happen everywhere, why not life where ever possible! But then the other side of Uniformitarianism would seem to indicate that if such life can end somewhere then it can end everywhere, which to me means if there ever was life somewhere (such as Venus or Mars) and seems to be no longer there then there must be conditions that tend to change enough that life becomes compromised enough for its extinction. And have we not seen just that, with the coming and going of different life forms on this planet since life started? Would dinosaurs still be on this planet had there been no collision with the planet and a big rock? No, their extinction was already in the works, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere were already dropping so that the plant life that was necessary, to feed these behemoths would in time no longer be available and evolution would take over for the oversized giants of both the animal and plant varieties. By this same token, had not a big rock come in contact with the planet when it did, mankind might have taken a lot longer to advance to where we are now, (if at all) and the planet may very well be on its way to that final big ball of ice circling the star we know as the Sun. Even on a planetary scale perpetual motion or perpetual life can not exist without "interior help", there will always be some limiting factor for that very life. But boy did we get lucky, so many things had to happen for mankind to be in the position to be able to replant the arid and semi-arid areas of this planet, by using the rivers of the planet and then maintaining the necessary carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere for all carbon-based life to continue. Reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at < > Thank you, for reading and if you agree with even a little of what I have been talking about, tell others, and let's get a conversation going. Dan


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