Mankind did not cause carbon sequestration that has been going on since life first started, but>>>
We are the only species on the planet that has the ability to remediate the problems that have resulted from "carbon sequestration"! Why you ask, now that mankind has added around 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will that not allow plant life to once again act as both a regulator of that very carbon dioxide and as a stabilizer of the planet temperature to prevent extremes by the plant's respiration which increases cloud cover planet-wide? No, because over the last 2.5 million years, plant life has been pushed out of around 25% of the surface of the planet. This removal of plant life in these areas, which are now called deserts and semi-arid lands, caused a planet-wide rainfall pattern change. That can not be overcome, by the simple addition of new carbon dioxide into the atmosphere! Only by adding water, and that can only be done by redirecting the great rivers of the planet into these arid and semi-arid areas, and replanting the lands in a very coordinated and planned way, for the benefit of the whole planet, not just mankind. Scientists, have to start being more than simply observers, they have to go back in time long before mankind ever came on the scene, and begin piecing together how plant life has been changing! Evolutionary change is driven by need, not just chance, plants that can compete against other plants on how they can use the available resources will be more likely to reproduce. As carbon dioxide levels continue dropping plant life has to continue changing to meet the slowly changing levels of not just carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but also less available moisture both in the air as humidity and as rainfall! Only by looking far back in time can we start to really understand how life on this great planet is being challenged in ways never seen before! Think about what this means for all life, not just mankind! I can be reached at < > or at 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan
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