What problem are to be faced in getting countries to allow a large work force in for ever

Just about every county has a policy of allowing outside workers in, both for low paying menial work, and for needed higher educated people. But they also come with lots of hoops to jump through and for short periods of time. What would be needed now for replanting the planet and moving every river and stream would entail a lot of negotiations at the highest levels of both governmental and private institutions! With some worldwide agency that could coordinate, the necessary, manpower, funding, equipment, and the overall logistics of many different parts of the operation over the whole planet. Many of the countries will be concerned about radial groups coming in with the workforce, plus the religious extreme elements, Hopefully, with most of the places that will be needing workers being far away from major population areas, security while necessary, may not be overly hard to maintain. If we can keep profit out of the equation for the ruling parties, and focus on benefits down the line for the host countries in terms of food and whatever else each community will make available at their cost. I see problems at the start, but as time goes by, nations will be lining up for what they will see as a win-win. Education will be of utmost importance for everyone involved, on both sides of the issues. The local population must think that they will not be losing jobs to foreigners, but instead, there will be many benefits! I really believe that a good public relations firm would go far in helping the local populations in seeing what is going to be a positive for everyone. Public relations for the whole planet could help smooth out rough spots before the local "not in my back yard or the taking of our jobs " could begin causing untrue or false allegations to run rampage in the local communities, Dan


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