Why do we need to repair the planet, only one way?

Because mankind has started to increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by using and burning both fossil fuels and by making concrete from limestone deposits, both of these endeavors releases carbon dioxide back into the planet's atmosphere, where it helps in warming the planet. That in itself would not be an issue if there was enough plant life still on the planet to make use of this newly released carbon. But around 25% of the planet is now considered arid or semi-arid, meaning that these areas cannot support the necessary plant life because of the lack of water. Without the water being available from nature as natural rainfall, mankind needs to make up the difference using the great rivers of the planet as we have done in many places already. Only by reducing the areas of arid and semi-arid places on the planet can we change these areas from being the heat sinks that they are during the day, and change them into crop-producing areas that also increases the plant respiration, which in turn increases cloud formation, which causes refection of some of the sun's energy to rebound back into space instead of being made into surface heat, which in turn causes temperature extremes, which cause more extreme weather. (Try saying that 5 times fast). Now trying to move the necessary water, and making this much new farmland will require a massive workforce of many millions of people. But low and behold we have up to 50-70 million available people looking, not for a handout, but a better life, they are called REFUGEES. They have left their homes for many reasons, war, famine, religious persecution, fleeing from drug cartels, and poverty. Most have lost loved ones and faced hardships on the way, but still, they come looking for a better life. Many are stuck in refugee camps, where they are not allowed to leave without some country willing to take them in, and there they are fed and sheltered but that is about all. But if we also teach them what they need to know about moving water, and becoming farmers, in time they would own these farms, just as, much of middle America was settled back in the homestead days, but instead of 160 acres of land they would receive 20 acres where they would grow fish and vegetable crops, and help maintain thousands of acres of ground cover such as alfalfa, and all proceeds of the sales would be used to create the next movement of water and the creation of towns and more 20-acre farms. Like I like to say, a win, win, win for the refugees, the planet, and all carbon-based lifeforms on the planet! < danielkadavy212@gmail.com > Or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946. I also have a blog site with hundreds of short 500 plus words posts detailing how the "plan" is to be put into action! It can be accessed @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you and please tell as many others as you can about that crazy guy in Nebraska who knows how to repair the planet and make millions of people happy with a new lease on life for raising families all over the world with self employments farms that can be passed down from one generation unto the next. Dan


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