207 Global Warming and Climate Change} Do you really believe that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was?
Always around .025% since the start of life on this planet? Where did all of the limestone come from, how did animals 20 times the size of modern elephants get enough fast-growing food to eat? Why are we in a glaciation period when the sun keeps increasing how much energy reaches the planet, over 40% more than when the planet first formed! These questions can go on and on, there are so many known past ages on this planet that only an atmosphere with much more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would have made possible. If there had to be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there is now, that can only mean one thing, that the carbon dioxide is somehow being reduced from past times and if that is the case why would we think that "that reduction" will no longer be continuing! Let's go in another direction, Nitrogen is 78% of the atmosphere of this planet, and yet is one of the rarest of the elements, it is almost non-existent in the crust of the planet. There is over 10,000 times more oxygen on the planet than there is nitrogen, and yet the atmosphere is made up of 78% of nitrogen WHY? Because it is very stable and mainly unaffected by the sun's rays. It is vital to all plant life but most plants have a hard time taking it out of the atmosphere to use for growth. Farmers use a form of nitrogen called anhydrous ammonia, which they inject into the soil where it binds with water, so the plants can use the nitrogen in that form. On the planet Venus, nitrogen is only 3.5% of the atmosphere, but the atmosphere is around 92 times as thick as it is here so if you take 92x3.5=332 which means that there is around 4 times as much nitrogen in the atmosphere of Venus then in the total atmosphere of the Earth. This would suggest that at the beginning of when the planets first formed, the make-up of both atmospheres was very similar, but as the carbon dioxide on Earth was beginning to be removed by sequestration by life's use of it and not being 100% reused. This would lead to a thinner atmosphere on our planet over time, which does seem to be the case. Everything fits on why the two planets have the atmosphere that they have, and why Mar's atmosphere is so little due to its smaller size and lesser gravity that could not keep its atmosphere from simply floating off into space! As always I can be reached @ <danielkadavy212@gmail.com > or by phone @ 402-890-7946 Thank you and keep spreading my paper and my posts. Knowledge is only useful if it is shared. If you wish to keep reading more on this most boring but absolutely essential subject, go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com
I have talked about how mankind seems to believe what the atmosphere is like now (or just prior to mankind's industrial age) is much like the atmosphere has always been! This is simply not true, The death of life has always reduced by just the tiniest amount, of what all other life needs to continue, multiply that loss by the total time that carbon-based life has been on this planet and you get a staggering amount of material that was once life removed from being available for the continuation of all carbon-based life.
Every scientist worth his salt (referring to long ago when many people would be paid in material goods, not money, and salt was a common method of payment for those living far from areas where salt was readily available) knows that entropy is the guaranteed outcome of the disbursement of energy and materials over time in the context of life on Earth! While in our solar system, the Sun produces energy in vast quantities that seem to only be used for sustaining life on 1 planet, Earth! (if there is life elsewhere in our solar system most probably that life exists using other forms of energy, i.e. the internal heat of Earth and the other planets). Think of how little of the sun's energy is used, it is not used to keep the solar system together that is its mass, yet without its energy hitting the Earth forever, life as we know it, can not exist. Forever, in this case, is probably around another 5 billion years, give to take a few billion years. Now you may ask why I included material in with entropy of energy? Because it is how a close system which life is not, yet energy entropy is, and an open system which life is, and energy entropy is not, together in the interaction of both! Yes, this complicates both systems, but it is how energy and life work together in real time, and we can not break them down as if each is not related and is influenced by the other! In the open system of life, energy is always being replaced by eating and the Sun, and materials availability is being reduced by sequestration! while in the closed system of energy entropy, materials are not being reduced such as the atmosphere of Venus, yet there is no life to convert sunlight to the energy of life, and then reused, it is simply allowed to dissipate!
Mar's atmosphere is only around 1% of the Earth's atmosphere, yet there is more carbon dioxide in Mar's atmosphere than there is in all of Earth's atmosphere. Earth has around 800 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide at 400 parts per million while Mar's has 1% of Earth's atmosphere but at 96% made up of carbon dioxide Making that 960,000 parts per million or 2,400 times more than Earth's, but as Mar's is smaller than Earth by around 1/2 that would be then 4x4 or 16 times smaller total atmosphere at 1% that still leaves 150 times as much Carbon dioxide in Mar's atmosphere or somewhere in the area of 120,000 gigatonnes to Earth's 800 gigatonnes. (If others can see problems in my math, let me know. Dan) Mars can get up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during summer at the equator. but also down to -210 degrees Fahrenheit at the poles during winter! It really is all about carbon sequestration when there is carbon-based life around! 402-890-7946 or daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read so much more https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com
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