209 Global Warming and Climate Change} I cannot believe how many domesdayers are out there!
They are now saying on so many sites that it is simply too late to stop Global Warming and our children's lives will become miserable. To them I say get out of the way, you are making it, just that much harder to get any real repair possible, if it's too late why try anything. It makes people not take you seriously if you just become another sign-carrying crowd saying that the end of the World is Here, Repent! I have the why, and the way to repair what mankind did not cause!!!! The 12-page paper "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" ( is it really asking too much to get people to read 12 pages and start a discussion ) ONLY MANKIND has the ability to repair this lovely, beautiful, and our only home, PLANET! Let me say again mankind did NOT cause the sequestration of over 99.99% of the carbon that has ever been on this planet! But only a thinking and acting species can save this planet. The Herculean task that my solution requires, will in several generations make this whole planet green, Clean up our Ocean's, increase the ice that is being staged on the planet, and make another economical pathway for bringing million's of people out of poverty and into the middle class! Increase the amount of food that can be produced and stored for future needs (as a safety net for emergencies around this planet, most caused by wars and power-hungry, selfish and ignorant people) but also earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters! This plan is the only true way forward, it solves many different problems, some manmade but most made by the planet's normal loss of available carbon over billions of years! Yes, carbon can not be destroyed, but it can be buried, or changed into forms that plant life can not use or have access to. It has taken billion of years for this planet to reach where life is now, had there been just 1% less carbon on the planet then there was when life first started, this planet would now be a frozen ball of ice, just another fail attempt in an uncaring Universe! I was going to work away from home but the rains here in Nebraska gave me a chance to write this post before heading out. As always I can be reached at 402-890-7946 keep reading and telling others that the end of the planet is not at hand but that there is a very good plan to save all life on this planet! Thank you, Dan
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