210 Global Warming and Climate Change} What's Next!
The correct way forward is spelled out in black and white, by "Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy"! The main problem is that it is designed to create ten's of millions of middle-class jobs and families all around the globe, not 20 billionaire companies all around the globe! Money talks, this can be a great thing, it creates products super cheap for mankind but in doing so it creates low paying jobs for people that may not even afford many of the products they are making! Government contracts, regulating committees, plant hybrids that may not be the best tasting but can travel well, herbicides and insecticides developed so that less labor is needed instead of using nature to do much of the containment of unwanted weeds and insects. What needs to be done to repair the planet does not bring in the most income for the least cost. Cover crops such as alfalfa, are what the planet needs, Nut trees are what brings in the money. Just like glass, newspaper, cardboard, plastic, and everything else that needs to be recycled and reused, when big companies get involved in picking up and transporting these objects they can never make them profitable, so we have to subsidize them. Putting families in charge of their future by being farmers, growers, businessmen, all the types of workers that a normal society needs taking care of problems that such a life always has. This is how to give masses of people a reason for getting up every day, instead of relying on working for a company that cares only about its bottom line and the "paycheck that they hand out every Friday". How do we keep big business satisfied with buying finished products at fair prices, that can be sold everywhere on the planet, so everyone feels good at the end of the day? A level playing field, a good supply of products at the quality and quantity needed. When farmers have water available then there lives become much easier, keeping this way forward for millions of small independent families has to involve the masses of this planet to be willing to confront persons in power from commandeering this plan or any other plan that will simply make more of a gap between the rich, the middle, and the poor! We need people to read what is truly happening on this planet, Our Planet! Talk, Talk, and More Talk. I have no power, no authority, to get people to listen, there are people out there that do, but what I would like is for the masses, people just like myself to tell others just like them the truth about this planet. Mankind did not create this problem but only mankind's actions can save this Planet! Dan < danielkadavy212@gmail.com > My phone number is 402-890-7946, or if the urge to read more becomes overpowering go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com/ thank you.
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